Karen habla sobre cómo usa un nombre diferente para practicar su trabajo y teoría esotérica, porque está prohibido por las juntas de registro conservadoras. También analiza cómo los estados subjetivos y las terapias pueden ser útiles para la curación, pero no se prestan bien a la medición y los parámetros basados en la evidencia
Sitio dedicado al libro "Other Lives Other Realms" de la hipnoterapeuta y escritora, Karen Joy
Vistas de página en total
domingo, 22 de mayo de 2022
jueves, 7 de abril de 2022
Capítulo 17. Conclusión y palabras de despedida.
Y para finalizar, como traductor de este estupendo libro deciros que hay una segunda parte. Todos las personas que aquí se citaron produjeron suficiente material para un segundo libro que, en realidad, es continuación de este. Karen juzgó conveniente meter este material en el libro nuevo titulado "Alma perdida, alma sabia" y creo justo y necesario que se traiga al mundo hispano su traducción. Si los de arriba no lo impiden, subiré los audios de ese nuevo libro que ya os adelanto es muy, muy, pero que muy interesante y, a la vez, sorprendente.
Gracias por vuestra atención y espero que os sea útil esta información que nos da Karen. Por supuesto, siempre recomendaré que adquiráis el libro original en inglés, pero si no conocéis esa lengua, mientras pueda os facilitaré la información en mis blogs dedicados a libros que no se publican en español.
Cuidaros y sed felices.
miércoles, 6 de abril de 2022
lunes, 4 de abril de 2022
domingo, 3 de abril de 2022
Capítulo 13. Reuniéndonos con nuestros seres queridos
Meeting Loved Ones
Death is nothing at all. I have only slipped away to the next room. I am I and you are you. Whatever we were to each other that we still are. HENRY SCOTT HOLLAND
There is nothing quite as reassuring as meeting our loved ones on the other side. It can make a profound difference to our lives.
My grandfather died when I was thirty. He suffered from Parkinson’s disease for over a decade. We watched this tall, capable, proud man wither away. He couldn’t speak or communicate, although his eyes remained bright and alert. He shuffled and, when my grandmother fed him, he dribbled. Understandably, she became annoyed and impatient with him at times, and I felt his humiliation.
After he passed, I was haunted by the memory of his suffering—locked in his body, unable to express his thoughts or his needs. Sometimes, as I walked through town, I would see elderly men whose gait reminded me of my grandfather. Each time, I felt a pain stabbing at the center of my being.
Then one night he came to me in a dream. Actually, it wasn’t a dream like other dreams. I was awake and asleep at the same time. I didn’t understand at the time, but I know now it was a lucid dream. I asked him what it had been like being trapped in that failing body. He smiled. ‘It was fine,’ he said. I felt his joy and his love. He was perfectly at peace.
From that moment on, the ache I had suffered was gone, never to return. I was puzzled. How could all that pain, years of yearning and sadness, be taken away so simply?
I was astounded at the transformation in me and I never forgot that powerful experience that probably lasted no more than a minute.
It didn’t happen in a regression, but my waking dream resembled a regression in many ways. During a regression we are lucid and present, while our focus is directed to other realms. We report what is happening, which helps us remember. But profound experiences, like feeling the love and acceptance of someone we adored, cannot be forgotten. They live on like a light inside us, leading us forward with a renewed feeling of peace, and with a clear sense that all is well.
Most people who regress to their life between lives visit loved ones who have passed. Sometimes such contact has a transformative impact on the individual’s life. Here are some cases that illustrate a variety of experiences of people meeting loved ones on the other side.
Urraca came to see me because she felt trapped in Australia. She and her husband were from Germany. He was the one who wanted to come to Australia. As an engineer, he found it easy to get a job. Although the move was supposed to be temporary, he liked Australia so much that he wanted to stay. Urraca loved her husband but missed her family back in Germany. She felt sad for her parents because both their daughters lived in other countries. She realised she was starting to develop a grudge against her husband. She wanted to find a way to be at peace. She thought a past life might show her the way forward. She’d been feeling very stuck and bitter.
Urraca mentioned during our initial discussion that her grandmother had chosen her name. She had been named after her grandfather, Urraco. He was a lovely man who had died before Urraca was born. The grandmother herself had died when Urraca was sixteen. Urraca loved her dearly and carried her photo in her wallet.
Urraca asked to experience a past life that would show her how to navigate her current crisis.
In the first scene she is a young woman in her twenties, wandering around in a large meadow. She is dressed in shorts, top and sandals. She is looking for someone. She wonders where all the people are and feels a strong sense of being lost.
I am getting a bit stressed. Where is everyone? Where are they? I hear someone saying I didn’t follow directions and I got lost. I went the wrong way and got confused.
We move on to another scene, hoping to find some understanding. Now Urraca is a woman wearing loose black cotton clothes. She is standing in a huge room beside a table. There are about twenty people watching her from some distance away. She cannot identify their faces.
I am scared. I am alone. I have feeling that I have done something wrong. These people are staring at me but I don’t want to look at their faces. I am afraid to go towards them. I want someone to take me away from this room.
Now I am walking towards them. There is no other way out. They are slowly moving out of my way. I am stepping outside. It is a very bright day and the light blinds me. I cover my eyes. I can’t see things. I have stopped; I’ve frozen up. I feel very lost. I want someone to guide me and get me out of here.
We move to another scene. This time Urraca is in a busy city. People pass her by but they do not seem to notice her.
I am crying a lot now. I need to calm down and pull myself together and get out of this mess. I am so lost I cannot remember how I got here.
I ask Urraca if she wants her guide to come and help her. She soon senses a comforting presence at her side. Her guide is wearing a white robe and hood. She doesn’t know whether the guide is male or female. The guide takes her hand and leads her along a path.
The hand is gentle and old, wrinkly and comforting. I am following the guide. It is daytime and it is beautiful and green. I am recognising the hand. The rings on the hand are the same as my grandmother’s. I call out for her and she turns and I see her.
Urraca is now crying.
She passed away when I was sixteen. She is taking me to a safe place... I can see my grandfather. He is so happy to see us.
We are hugging and embracing each other. I am very happy. My grandfather has kissed my forehead. That is the way my husband embraces and kisses my daughter. I wonder about this. ‘It’s the love,’ my grandfather tells me. ‘It is love that your husband has for his daughter. Unconditional love. The same love I have for you.’
So finally, I have met my grandfather. I have never seen him in my life. He is very lovely. We are so happy.
Urraca weeps freely as she experiences her grandfather’s love. I give her some time to enjoy this highly emotional reunion before suggesting that she ask her grandparents why she had been feeling so lost.
My grandparents look at each other and smile when I ask this question.
My grandfather is saying that I am trying to find myself. I don’t know what I am doing and I am trying to find happiness and peace of mind. That is why I experienced these scenarios where I felt confused and lost.
He is asking me to follow my heart and not think too much. He is saying I go too much into the details and difficulties of things. I am to follow my heart and do what I feel is right, more than what I think is right. If I am in a situation where my mind is saying one thing and my heart is saying something else, deep inside I will know the right choice. He says I spend too much time thinking and worrying and feeling stuck. I am to make a decision and move on.
My grandmother is saying that my husband is a nice person who loves me and who does everything he can for us. She is asking me what more do I want?
I feel reassured. I knew this, but when someone who I look up to confirms this, it is comforting.
She knows I worry about my parents, because I’m living so far away from them. She is saying my parents are fine. They know how to look after themselves. I do not need to worry about them. They are there for each other. There is nothing more they can ask for. Now I am feeling a great deal of relief.
I am asking my grandmother about my past lives with my husband. She is telling me she is sure that I have had past lives with my husband.
Even though they are my grandparents from this life, they are hugging me like my parents.
Now I feel the love from my husband, but I have shut down and become bitter. Knowing that, I feel sad. I want to open up and be carefree and bring back some cheerfulness.
My grandparents are telling me my job is to support my husband and my support is very important. He needs my love and encouragement to succeed. This love between us is more important than what country we are in.
In my heart, I know my husband and I share a deep love. I’m grateful to my grandparents for reminding me of this. In my frustration with him I had diminished that love.
My grandparents have given me a sense of direction. My part in all of this has just been made clear.
After Urraca came out of the trance she felt light and happy.
I could feel each and every moment and every step I went through. It is my first time being hypnotised but my visuals were very clear. In the beginning I was puzzled and felt so lost. But the conversation I had with my grandparents seemed so real. I stopped feeling lost. Now I know what I have to do.
Urraca had a profound experience meeting her grandparents. She had not specifically asked for a meeting with them, so it came as something of a surprise. However, they gave her exactly what she needed. She trusted them explicitly, and they proved to be the perfect messengers for her. Urraca was going right off-track with her life, becoming more negative and bitter. Her grandparents lovingly gave her the guidance she needed. Not only did she have a wonderful meeting with her loved ones, she also received the information she sought.
I contacted Urraca recently, four years after her regression. She is now happily settled in Australia with her husband and children. Rereading this account moved her to tears. ‘It’s such a beautiful and pure honest moment to revisit,’ she told me. Meeting her grandparents and experiencing the power of their love had transformed her marriage, and her attitude to life.
Marimar’s father died when she was two years old. Because she was so young, his death had little meaning for her. At the age of twenty she attended a retreat in Bali. During those six months, memories of her father surfaced, and she worked through her feelings of loss.
Eight years later she lost her mother. this affected her profoundly. Her grief manifested as anxiety, anger, and distraction. Marimar couldn’t cope with her two young children. She needed her husband to help manage the day-to-day running of the household. She also yearned for his emotional support. Unfortunately, his fly-in fly-out job in mining kept him interstate for weeks at a time.
A year after her mother died, still struggling with her loss, Marimar comes for a life between lives regression.
She accesses a past life as a six-year-old girl. This experience brings her into communion with her departed father. She reports a series of vignettes, suffused with vivid imagery and compelling emotions.
I am in a field on a sunny day, picking sunflowers and enjoying nature. I can smell bread being baked by my mother who is in the house with the baby. It gives me a feeling of being warm, safe and comfortable.
I see Dad arriving home in his old-fashioned car and I feel so much joy. He is running to me and hugging me and twirling me around. He shares the same soul as my dad in my current life. His love is so powerful, I can take it with me, this feeling of love that is so huge.
I can see it all so clearly, the rounded car and the little cottage.
When I transition Marimar to another scene, she goes to an earlier life, which draws her closer to her mother. This time she is five years old, lying in a wrought-iron bed in the family’s home.
I am very ill, very small, very thin with little stick legs. The room is familiar and comforting but I am very tired and weak. My mother holds my hand. I sense that she shares the same soul as my mother in my current life.
I am seeing a bright light, and everything feels as it should be. It’s funny to be dying and feeling so calm. It’s sad for those left behind but fine for me. The light is bright and flickering and I feel that it’s calling me.
Now I can look down and see my body with my mother crunched over me. She is sad and crying, while I am feeling warm and fuzzy.
Marimar ascends and is greeted by members of her soul group. They envelop her in the warmth of their love.
My maternal grandmother is here and I am feeling the love from her. Now all the souls are there who have passed away in my current life, my mum, my dad and my grandma. They circle around me, letting me know I am safe and loved.
[Tears fall from Marimar’s eyes.]
Next, her guides approach. They reveal some hidden truths to her; truths that have the power to change her perspective on life, and on her grief.
I sense my guides around me now, telling me to look below. I can see the whole world below me and I am receiving a strong sense that the world is full of love, not heartache. Earth is such a loving beautiful place, it is like magic. I can see how we all get too caught up in all the things that are happening externally, the news, the disasters and all the things that don’t matter to us personally and that are not even related to our life.
Apart from losing my mother, there is little suffering in my life. Losing her is part of my path. It is teaching me how to cope with great loss. I have such huge love from my husband and children and that will get me through, as well as the support from my soul family who have my back.
I feel my dad’s energy close to me now, his love. It is the same love my husband gives me and my daughter. I am part of a family now on Earth. It warms my heart when my husband comes home and twirls our daughter around like my dad did with me in the sunflower life.
I feel my mother holding me, surrounding me with love. I am learning that it was her time to go. She had done enough, and losing her is a test for me. I left her in that past life when I was five and she left me in this life. I was fine and I get that she is fine, too.
My father passed to help my mother grow, and me too. We both are learning these lessons about grief and my past lives were part of my learning. Now he is back, sharing the same soul as my daughter. He is going to have a longer life this time.
After the session, Marimar writes two long emails to me. She reports how much her life has changed after meeting her passed loved ones, and receiving so much information about her purpose. Here is an extract:
I feel so much better, so different and so happy with my family, my dear husband and my darling children. I still shed tears for my mum but that is natural and a part of it, but I can cope now and that is the difference. I feel like super-mum again with my dear children and not at all impatient and on edge like I was the past few months. I feel lots of inner calm and peace.
I got so much from my past life with my dad. I didn't even go into the regression thinking about losing him as a toddler. And yet I experienced such a deep healing from him and so much joy knowing his soul has incarnated as my daughter.
Marimar’s case demonstrates the life-changing consequences that flow from meeting our soul family on the other side. Her experiences during the session are impossible to fully convey. Her words help, but there is nothing as powerful as feeling, in every cell of your body, the unconditional love of a close relative who has passed.
Sonia has experienced much loss after her marriage. She gave birth to a baby at twenty-nine weeks, and named her Raquel. Raquel only lived for four months before she died. Later, Sonia became pregnant again, but miscarried at eleven weeks. She eventually carried two babies to term who survived, and lavished her attention on them. Her sons are now in their teens. Her losses were not the reason Sonia sought a regression. She had other issues she wanted to address.
Before proceeding to her life between lives, Sonia accesses a past life as a young woman called Victoria, in the nineteenth century.
Victoria is married to a man of considerable wealth, living in a large, well-positioned home. She has a son who she loves dearly, but he becomes ill and dies at the age of eight. While heartbroken, she doesn’t grieve. Instead, Victoria becomes angry—angry with fate that her little boy was taken, angry with anyone who seems happy while she remains trapped in her pain.
Sometimes I feel like killing my husband and his parents. I don’t understand them. I don’t know how they can move on so quickly.
With more questioning, we find out they didn’t really move on that quickly. They grieved for twelve months, but years later Victoria still feels bitter about losing her son.
I think about killing myself every day. I think about throwing myself off a cliff or under a train. I ride my horse so hard it’s a wonder I don’t fall off, and I wouldn’t care if I did.
Her husband and family find her difficult to deal with. Eventually, she shuts down emotionally. She feels neither happy nor sad. She is simply numb. When her time comes, she is pleased to leave. She dies in her fifties.
During her meeting with the Council, she comes to several realizations. She didn’t know how to express her feelings to her husband. She felt devastated by her loss, but she didn’t know how to grieve. Afraid to feel the pain of losing her son, she instead became angry. Her suicidal thoughts calmed her, and helped her cope. She had to shut down emotionally to survive because otherwise she could have gone mad. The purpose of that life—and her current life—is to learn how to deal with loss.
Her guides take her to meet her soul group. After reconnecting with several people, she suddenly starts weeping.
She cries so profusely she can hardly get her words out. ‘It’s Raquel...’
Sonia weeps for nearly ten minutes. I know she is overwhelmed with the emotion of this unexpected reunion. Eventually, she cries herself dry, and finds her voice.
Raquel is an adult, such a beautiful young adult. She is wearing a robe and looks like a Greek priestess. I have such a strong connection with her. She is telling me I lost her three times. She was the child in that past life and she was the miscarriage and the baby I lost. She is not used to the heaviness of the Earth energies and finds them very challenging. It was planned that she would leave early in both that past life and my current life. She is getting used to the Earth energies and I am learning how to deal with loss.
It is funny I called her Raquel. I found out later it means ‘innocent.’ She is telling me she chose the name she wanted, and sent it to me.
They are telling me that I am learning to blend the earth energies with the spiritual energies. It is all about loss, loss of loved ones. On Earth we think the person who died is dead and that the connection is broken. In the spirit world we know that isn’t true. We don’t really die and our energy is still connected to each other. Even if we are unaware of the connection, we are always connected.
It is now coming to me that I haven’t really dealt with loss in my current life either. I didn’t grieve the loss of the babies that died. I got pregnant soon after and focussed all my attention on them. That was another way of distracting myself from the pain.
In both her past life and her current life Sonia feared fully feeling her loss, so she kept finding ways to avoid it. In her past life, she held herself together by shutting down emotionally and becoming numb. If she hadn’t, she might have gone insane, given the depth of her grief.
By relaxing into the trance and experiencing that past life, Sonia created an opening for herself. She was finally able to grieve her losses. She discovered that avoiding grief resolves nothing. Grief is a form of energy. If unexpressed, it lies dormant within our psyche, waiting for the day when we are strong enough, open enough and wise enough to release it.
Three months before Xandru embarked upon his life between lives session, his young brother had committed suicide. There were several reasons why Xandru wanted to undertake the regression—he had a number of physical and emotional health problems—but an important one was to see his brother. He had spoken to me just a month after his brother died. As he was still grieving, I suggested we give it more time. After giving it much thought, he agreed to delay the session. There was a reason why I believed giving it more time was important, and this case will illustrate why.
During his visit to his life between lives, Xandru was guided to the Council of Elders.
I am being welcomed and told it is a place of peace and learning. I have asked if I can see my brother but I am told that some others want to see me first. There are two cats who were members of our family. One of the cats is here now, Aquiles.
Aquiles wants me to know that there is nothing more I could have done for him at the end of his life. I am to stop thinking about his death and think about when he was alive. He wants me to know he loves me very much. He is purring and rubbing right up against me and doing all the affectionate things cats do.
Now Aquiles is gone.
There is another cat here named Samson. He has no particular message. He just wanted to say hello. He is doing what he used to do when he was alive. He is sitting beside me with a very interested expression on his face. He is letting me know that he wanted to see me. He loves me and misses me, and the rest of the family. He is very happy. He misses the interaction he used to have with us. He liked all the affection we gave him and he gave us. He also enjoyed playing and teasing. It was a unique relationship. He is looking forward to seeing us again. He is going to hang around here with his interested expression while I am with the Council. He likes being around me.
I feel like my father is moving close but he is not here. Still, I feel his presence. He is not coming in because he is moving to another incarnation. It is all to do with him. He is not able to give the proper attention to what is happening here. His energy is focused on his new life. I am getting a sense of him being a teenager. He is very much engaged with the energy of that new incarnation right now and he is not able to engage with me.
It is disappointing but understandable.
I am asking if my brother can come. But I don’t think he can just yet. Perhaps he will come later in the session.
The Council invited Xandru to ask his list of questions. I read them out for him, deliberately leaving the question about his brother until last. His mother hoped that the session would prove that her son was still alive on the other side. She was hoping for a specific message from him. The question that Xandru had framed for the Council was: ‘Is it possible to interact with my brother?’ This is what Xandru was told.
My brother can give messages at this time but he cannot come here. I am worried that my mother may not receive the confirmation she needs, and this worry is blocking me.
There is a message about his childhood that he is trying to get across. It is something to do with Christmas. [Xandru pauses.] I have a terrible pain in my chest... It is grief.
I suggest that Xandru allow this pain to dissipate by giving it lots of space. This does not eliminate the pain, although it eases a little at times.
I think my brother is referencing the ties that we had as children when we grew up together. Even after he grew up and started a family of his own, he still felt he was part of our family: me and mum and dad and our other brother. Even when he was away, he always felt that home was a place of safety. He knew that he could come home whenever he was truly in need.
I’m getting a lot of physical pain in my chest—so much that I have to stop.
I got the sense from the Council that I am not psychologically ready to let go of that pain. It would be like letting go of my brother. I am letting go but I am doing it by increments. The other reason is the sense of grief acting as a crucible. The loss of my brother is forcing me to change and make difficult decisions. It is helping me move forward and helping me grow. The sense of loss is helping me.
Xandru came out of the trance satisfied that he had received some genuine information from his brother. He had anticipated an emotional reunion, but his grief was too raw. Before he could interact with his brother, he needed to move past his intense grief. He was simply not ready.
He was pleased to know his brother’s death is having a healing effect on his life. He sees this great loss as a wake-up call. He is starting to make important decisions that will address his psychological and physical problems. I suggested it was a gift from his brother. Xandru agreed and said he wanted to use that gift wisely and graciously.
He said he intended to allow his grief to heal more fully. Afterwards, at some point well in the future, he hoped to visit his life between lives to contact his brother.
When I do a regression, I only guarantee one thing: that the client will get what he or she needs.
Urraca, in the first case, did not expect to see her grandparents. She only wished to find the answer to her dilemma. She felt great joy when her grandparents appeared. Because she trusted them unconditionally, their presence helped her accept and integrate their wise advice.
Marimar not only saw her mother during the session, as hoped, she also met her father and grandmother. This reunion made a huge difference to her daily life, putting her back on track and able to love and appreciate her family.
Sonia healed many losses during her session. She met the soul of the babies she had lost. She also learned that the losses were planned, designed for the higher good of both her and the babies.
Xandru desperately wanted to interact with his brother but his desperation worked against him. Any negativity, even grief, can block the flow of information in the higher realms. He was shown, however, that connection with those who have passed is possible. This was demonstrated by the appearance of his two deceased cats that both expressed love for him and his family.
Xandru was also open and sensitive to the loss of his brother. Seeing his brother at this stage of his grieving may have been overwhelming.
I have had other clients who came to see me soon after losing someone precious. In most cases, they did connect with their loved ones. One mother lost her children in an accident and both children came through during the life between lives. I noted that she had not grieved, feeling emotionally shut down. The children coming through opened her up emotionally.
The desire to connect with loved ones is a legitimate objective in our life between lives. And although our desire is usually honoured, there is no way of knowing for sure whether the loved one will appear. All we can really know is that whatever happens is for the highest good of all.
When the loved one does appear, I regard it as a great privilege to be present. Observing a client connecting with a loved one is a poignant experience for them and also for me. Quite often I find tears welling up in my eyes while tears are flowing down the cheeks of my client. I have some idea what they are experiencing. During my regressions, I have felt so much love flow into my heart and body that it overwhelmed me. It is an amazing feeling of coming home, of being completely cherished and accepted. Having experienced such intensity, I cannot help but sense the joy in my clients as they make these connections, especially since the connections are often with loved ones who they thought were lost to them.
sábado, 2 de abril de 2022
Capítulo 12. La Selección del Cuerpo
In the first example, Mauricio asked the Council of
Elders a question about his body. The Elders suggested that he would find his
answer in the body-selection area.
In the second case, Nádia’s guide took her to the
body-selection area. Until then she had no idea that such an area existed.
Nádia had always hated her body and suffered from a poor self-image. Her visit
to the body-selection area was no accident. Her disgust with her body was about
to be seriously challenged.
During the session, Mauricio joins with his soul-self.
Together, they ask the Council of Elders why his body is weak and prone to
illness. He is directed to the body-selection area.
Next, Mauricio sees on the screen a white Caucasian
male who will be born in Denmark. This man has a smaller body than the African.
He will be very bright and intellectual and his family is very stable. Events
will flow smoothly for most of his life. He will eventually face challenges,
but these will come much later on.
Now there appears a Caucasian female who would be born
in Greece. She is tall with thick, dark hair and a very beautiful face and
body. Her father will pass away before she is born and the lack of this bond in
her early life will greatly affect her. She will actively pursue intimacy while
also fearing it. This will cause her to have many male and female
Mauricio pauses, and reflects on the purpose of his
life. He wants to create experiences that will enable him to realise his true
power. His true power involves more than his physical body and more than his
physical will. His true power is intuitive. It requires him to connect with his
soul-self and allow this higher energy to shine through him. Once he has
achieved a strong connection with his true power, he wants to use this loving
light and wisdom to help others come into their true power.
The African faces two significant challenges: being
adopted by a white family, and later being bullied at school. However, with
such a large powerful body, he might use his physicality to get through. For
example, he might be tempted to stand up to people and intimidate them, rather
than developing his compassion and wisdom. If he relied on his superior
physical strength, he might never awaken to the fact that he is more than his
physical body. This would mean that his intuitive abilities would be neither
realized nor utilized.
The Greek woman is too pretty. Lacking a strong male
role model in her life, she will hide behind her beauty, hoping it will shield
her from life’s harsher lessons. As a result, she is destined to have many
superficial relationships. Mauricio believes he will be better able to develop
his intuitive abilities if he can forge a strong, steady relationship.
Mauricio wants to know his true power. True power is
not physical. True power is a pure, positive energy that comes from above.
Whenever we open to that pure, positive connection, it flows through us.
Mauricio can see that by having a weaker body, he will be driven to find
non-physical sources of power. Being gifted with a strong intellect, like the
Danish man, might jeopardise his chances of connecting with his higher self.
Such higher-level connection comes through our intuition, not our intellect.
The physical strength of the African and the physical beauty of the Greek also
pose problems. Strength and beauty can focus one’s attention on the physical
rather than the spiritual. The weaker, non-intellectual body of the Englishman
is perfect for his purposes. Mauricio is happy with his choice.
Earlier, while she was visiting the Council of Elders,
the Council gave her the gift of courage. I remind her of this gift, as well as
her desire to know the truth. I ask her to open to the information her guide is
presenting, even though she may find it challenging.
She listens for a minute or two, then suddenly
exclaims, ‘He said I chose every piece of my body! Why the hell would I do
Nádia has never liked her body and it makes no sense
to her. Sadly, disliking our bodies disconnects us from our soul-selves because
we focus so strongly on our physicality, and the limitations it imposes. Being
disconnected, Nádia does not want to take responsibility for selecting a body that
she rejects.
About half a minute later, Nádia says, ‘I am ready.’
I ask her where she is now.
At a soul level, Nádia deliberately chose this belly
and its emotional burdens. She describes the belly as protective. It grows
bigger as one overeats. This overeating is triggered by feelings of
abandonment. The emotional eating provides comfort and the large belly feels
comfortable too. Nádia discovers that her father and brother have also chosen
this belly. The guide explains why.
The emotional energy of abandonment has come down the
ancestral line. Your grandmother succumbed to the influence of this energy.
Having given in to her deep feelings of abandonment, she increased the hold
this energy held over her, and over her descendants. This energy still prevails
in the ancestral line and needs to be cleared. By choosing this belly, you
hoped to release the pattern of abandonment that had afflicted your family for
She is told how she might achieve this release. Her
guide suggests she research and write her grandmother’s story. The emotional
energy trapped in her maternal line can only be released physically. Writing
out the grandmother’s story will enable Nádia to connect fully with the grief
of abandonment. Once she connects with this grief, she will be given the
opportunity to fully understand its nature, to grieve the pain it has caused,
and let it go. This will not be an intellectual process. Nádia will be racked
with pain. She will weep; she will cry out. While agonising, this experience is
necessary if she is to transcend the deep sense of loss that the Belly of
Abandonment has caused her ancestral line.
Nádia’s grandmother died of lung cancer, and Nádia is
told that this will be her fate too if she cannot release this burden and break
the pattern.
I ask Nádia’s guide if there is more to know here in
the body-selection area, or if we should move on. I am told there is much more
to do here.
‘This is really weird,’ Nádia says, ‘Gee, you wouldn’t
believe what comes in many different sizes... Oh, I’ve just been told that I
chose the Womb of Wonder.’
‘The Womb of Wonder?’ I ask. ‘Why is it called the
Womb of Wonder?’
‘Because you wonder why it doesn’t work properly!’
Nádia exclaims. We both chuckle.
The guide explains why all these women chose the same
These women are afraid they will not be good mothers,
and yet the children have to be born. Their births are pre-destined. The
inadequate womb and narrow hips lead to the mother’s death in childbirth.
Nádia’s grandmother died in childbirth, while Nádia was saved by modern
medicine. This womb and the psychological torment it represents are further
burdens that Nádia is being called upon to release from the family line.
Nádia has two children. By surviving childbirth and
building her confidence in her mothering skills, she is gradually releasing
this pattern. Sometime after the session, Nádia’s son investigates that
particular ancestral line and discovers that seven women died in childbirth.
Although Nádia expressed great reluctance when she
first ventured into the body-selection area, she is pleased she made the trip there.
She feels much more at peace with her body and is happier in herself. Just as
we are about to leave this area, Nádia exclaims, ‘Isn’t this an amazing place!’
Mimosa: I see a big, big white palace with domes and minarets. I am in this really, really big room. Sounds horrible but we are in a butcher’s cold room. Bodies are hanging—not on hooks, but on hangers. So weird. I think I must be crazy. There are no heads on these bodies. They look like costumes. They hang like clothes hanging on racks in a store. The racks are grouped in circles so you can walk around and look at different bodies. It is bizarre. The room is huge and there is a long table in middle of this vast, elongated space. The guides put some bodies on the table so I can look at them. The bodies are complete except there are no heads.
Mimosa begins to weep.
Karen: Do you know why you are crying?
Mimosa: I want to choose it and I don’t want
to choose it. It seems really stupid. To carry everything I need to carry in
this life, I need to choose a big body. [Mimosa is still
Karen: Is there anything specific we can know
about choosing this big body?
Mimosa: I don’t know what this has got to do
with it but I am now in a room with Aslan and it is so beautiful. The whole
room, the walls, the drapes, everything is beautifully reflective like the
icebergs, like the white and aqua blue of icebergs. Aslan is writing
multiplication tables on a board. The board is the same aqua. He is writing on
the board in lilac and the script appears like velvet. The thick marker he is
using is gold, real gold, and all is ornately engraved. There is no floor. We
are just floating here.
Karen: Why the multiplication tables?
Mimosa: Something like one and one doesn’t
always make two. Things are not always clear-cut. Things are not always what
they seem.
Karen: What isn’t as it seems, specifically?
Mimosa [crying]: It
is about judgment, pride and ego. It is to do with the choice of the body. I am
experiencing the large body, so I have the opportunity to let go of my pride,
my ego and my judging behavior.
Karen: What happens if you change that?
Mimosa: Now I am getting a purple onion. It’s about
taking the layers off. The layers come off once I have done what I need to do
and let go of what I need to release. They are saying that we have started to
take the layers off. All the past lives I have experienced have been part of
that. I am getting flashes of those lives. Aslan is saying not to be afraid to
ask for help. I am seeing the onion in front of me with the body there too. It
still has no head. I can see layers coming off the body, I thought. For every
bad thing there is a corresponding good thing. He is telling me I am still
judging myself even though I know that I had to experience it all. He is saying
I need to let it all go. He is showing me hands ripping up a piece of paper,
then opening the hands and letting the pieces of paper drift away into the
have been raped several times. I have been murdered several times. I have been molested
several times.
is saying I just need to stop being so oversensitive. Let it go. I am writing
it all on a piece of paper. ‘Molester, victim, rapist, victim, murderer,
victim.’ Now I am ripping it up and letting it go. It is a whole feeling of unworthiness.
I am not good enough. Nothing possibly good could happen to me. I don’t deserve
have thought of having a tattoo put on my wrist to remind me. I have thought of
it for a while. It is a dove with a ribbon in its mouth. On the ribbon is written,
‘Let it go.’
Can you imagine seeing this on your wrist to remind yourself to let go?
I have seen this before but I keep forgetting to do it. Just like I keep
forgetting to let it all go. All my life I have the feeling of not being worthy.
I thought everyone was better than me. It came from my parents. They compared
me unfavorably to others. But I already carried that feeling of unworthiness.
Every time they made comparisons, I felt it confirmed how inferior I was.
Karen: What would stop you remembering to let it go?
Mimosa: The old voices saying, ‘You’re not worthy. Why
bother?’ Karen: Whose voices?
My father’s. You know, my guides are very keen for me to get past this.
What do they suggest you do to get out of staying in this unworthy victim
I get a sense that it is easier to be negative than positive. If you are
negative, people don’t bother with you. They leave you alone.
Karen: Why is that important?
People want things from you. Do this. Do that. Everybody wants something.
Karen: So you don’t like having people near you?
I love being with people. It is because I can’t say no.
Even when I say no, I renege and say yes later. Until I can say no and
mean it I am stuck with unworthiness. It is a vicious cycle. I am unworthy so I
have to say yes but when I say yes,
I feel unworthy. It is a spiral.
Mimosa faced some serious health challenges a couple
of years after her session. She was in and out of hospital and couldn’t walk
for a long time. Twice I chanced upon her at the city hospital when I was
visiting ill relatives. Mimosa was in great pain and she faced it bravely.
We had spent many sessions coming to terms with her
guilt, most of it from her past lives. In our last session, about a year ago, I
was delighted to discover she had let most of her guilt go. What a strong soul she
is, signing up for such a challenging life.
Mauricio’s experience demonstrates how much care we take when choosing our body. It must suit the purpose and challenges we have chosen for our life.
Mimosa’s case demonstrates how we may choose our body as a path of redemption for guilt accumulated over many past lives.
martes, 29 de marzo de 2022
Capítulo 11. El Panorama.

" The only limits to personal insight are self-imposed". (Michael Newton)
Most people decide to do a regression to gather more information about personal challenges in their lives. But not everyone is focused purely on personal issues. Some people want answers to the big questions in life. They want to know the nature of reality and why humanity is the way it is. A life between lives session is the perfect place to receive these answers.
During your session, you have access to a panel of
wise beings. Collectively, these beings are known as the Council of Elders. The
Council answers your questions in creative ways so you will receive the
understanding you seek.
Before the session, the client writes down a list of
questions that he or she wants answered. The client receives the answers from
the Council or their guides, and tells me so I can record them. In effect, the
questioner is the client and the responder is the Council. Even though some
clients doubt that their questions will be answered, these doubts are
unfounded. The answers will always be given, nearly always during the session.
If they are not given during the session, they will come to the client soon
In this chapter, we explore some of the answers that
have been given to the big questions clients have asked. Of course, these
answers will have been tailored to the personality and needs of the questioner.
However, useful information about the purpose of our lives on Earth and how the
system works can be gleaned from these important interactions.
In the following dialogue, I ask the questions that
Bertu has prepared, while Bertu channels the Council’s answers. Because Bertu
wanted to know more about the big picture, I also ask probing questions on his
The Council of Elders gave Bertu the answers he
sought, often accompanied with images. The Council said he had incarnated on
Earth a thousand times, and that he was three-quarters of the way there.
BEN: What is ‘there’?
COUNCIL: Union with the creator.
BEN: But didn’t we start there? Why do we leave, only
to come back?
COUNCIL: It is like putting metal in the fire to make
it stronger.
BEN: Why does it need to be stronger?
COUNCIL: It is about the ever-expanding universe.
BEN: Is the universe always expanding?
BEN: What is our role in that?
COUNCIL: The universe cannot expand without what you
humans provide.
BEN: Can they help us to understand what we are
COUNCIL: It is energy.
BEN: What sort of energy?
COUNCIL: Stronger energy. More expansive. Increased
BEN: What is creation?
COUNCIL: Expanding the universe.
BEN: Can you elaborate?
COUNCIL: It is about your thoughts, your actions and
your experiences. You do things that surprise us. Humans can do new and amazing
things, and that is creation.
BEN: Is it just going to expand forever?
COUNCIL: Probably.
BEN: Why is expansion important?
COUNCIL: If you don’t expand, you contract.
BEN: How did it all begin?
The Council responded with silence. Bertu then
reported that he was being given an image of a heart with a spider-web around
it. I asked the Council to explain the image.
COUNCIL: It’s a big circle. A new soul comes
out of the nursery. It experiences life. It finishes reincarnating and then goes
back to the original energy source stronger. That keeps the expansion going.
Humans are all of that.
BEN: In what way are we stronger?
COUNCIL: It is about knowledge but more than knowledge.
It is seeing the interconnectedness of everything. The spider-web represents
Bertu then reported seeing a massive,
three-dimensional web.
COUNCIL: Getting stronger is about your awareness of
the interconnectedness. You need to see how an action or thought impacts on the
other parts. It is learning how things relate to each other. And this awareness
needs to be constant. You need to think before you take any action.
BEN: How do you create with the energy?
COUNCIL: You make your light bigger and you do that
with your mind. You think about what you want to create with a lot of intent.
Then you can make your creation manifest. You can shape things by intentional
BEN: Is God perfect? Why has this ‘perfect’ God made
all these imperfect people?
COUNCIL: It is not about perfection. It is about
BEN: Where do the guides fit in? Do we become guides?
COUNCIL: The guides help you all to keep expanding.
Souls who have incarnated can become guides.
BEN: What about angels? Are they real or are they just
other souls?
COUNCIL: They are souls.
BEN: Have they incarnated?
COUNCIL: They are not in between incarnations.
BEN: Angels haven’t incarnated?
COUNCIL: Incarnation is not their job. They are
angels. They come to help you. Their energy is white and fresh. They are just
BEN: Are they loving?
COUNCIL: They are different to what you know as
loving. Protective is a better description. When you hear stories of someone
narrowly avoiding a tragedy, then the angels have been involved. Or if you were
saved from a situation and then the person who saved you disappears. That was
an angel. This happens when you get yourself into something that is not in your
plan or you went further than you should have. The angels look after you.
BEN: What are Creators?
COUNCIL: When you have finished incarnating, you can
become a Creator.
BEN: Do you mean a Creator of universes?
COUNCIL: When you are finished incarnating you can
create your own universe, but it has to fit in with the overall plan.
BEN: Who is the overall planner?
COUNCIL: The energy.
BEN: Is our physical world a virtual reality?
Bertu said he was given a vision of millions of
lights, suns and planets, and there were spider-webs connecting them all.
After Bertu came out of the trance, he said the
experience of receiving the information could not be fully portrayed in words.
He received visions and a deep sense of what the Council meant. He was very
satisfied with the wisdom he was given. He said he retained a deep
understanding of what our soul journeys are all about.
Lilia was interested in the plans or contracts we
make, at the soul level, before we reincarnate. In her session, she had
experienced a past life where she felt she had died prematurely. She was upset
because she had not finished her life’s work, and that work had been benefiting
many people.
The Council explained that her early death was part of
the contract she made before she incarnated. There were good reasons for the
early death. The good work she was doing expanded as a consequence of her
death. The Council continued:
There can be disagreements between the individual soul
and the physical person. The contract is made by the soul. Your physical self
might not agree with the contract as you play it out. You, as a human, can get
very involved on the earthly plane, too involved. You can get very serious
about what you are doing on Earth. You forget that life is just a game. You
don’t really die.
Lilia also wanted to know what options in her life she
should pursue and what she should avoid. The Council pointed out that some
souls reach a level of development where they can relax and trust. Lilia was
now at that level. They continued:
At this stage in your development you do not need to
take on anything that does not give you joy. Pushing yourself to take on
various tasks and overcome obstacles has been important in the past. That was
when you were a younger soul. Now you need to trust the opportunities that come
to you rather than seeking out specific opportunities. Don’t make things
happen. If it is meant to happen, it will happen. Don’t knock on doors that are
not easily opened. You can be proactive once the opportunity is there.
To release any feelings of constriction, flow more
with the good opportunities that come your way. These will be obvious to you,
especially when you are rested, relaxed, open and trusting. Then you are in a
more expanded state and can see where to go. Duty is the danger. Don’t act out
of duty. Act from the heart.
Lilia wanted to know how she could make her life more
joyful. The Council pointed out the importance of letting go of the past. They
Instead of looking for explanations about the past and
what you did not understand, you can override the past by realising that all
experiences are subjective anyway. Everyone does ‘good’ things and everyone
does ‘bad’ things. Everyone makes mistakes, learns and changes course. How you
judge yourself is all just a perspective.
you really, really get it, you know it is all just a game. Then you can change
anything in the past. The past doesn’t influence you anymore. At the end of the
day, the past is nothing more than multiple points of view. Nothing is
concrete. You can change it.
at something differently rewrites it for you. It changes history. When you
change your perspective, everything changes. It was as real as it could be in
the moment when it happened. But now it is in the past and just a memory. There
are many ways of looking at that experience that is now just a memory.
is an accumulation of memories and beliefs. Culture is nothing real. You take
on the beliefs of those around you, until you let them go. It is important to
initiate change. When you help others you help them change perspective. Change
is useful. Remember, nothing is concrete. Everything can be changed. You can
rewrite and change it all at any point. You don’t need to be constrained or
limited by past experiences.
Lilia had more questions for the Council. Again, I
asked on Lilia’s behalf, while she channelled the Council’s answers.
LILY: What forms each life?
COUNCIL: Choice. You choose it all.
LILY: Who is the ‘you’ that does the choosing?
COUNCIL: The soul with many experiences.
Do we have many lives to gain these experiences?
Some souls learn fast, some souls learn slowly. It is about the quality of the
experience, not the quantity.
LILY: How do we choose our Earth life?
We help you. After you make your choices, you live them. It is like painting a
picture or choosing an avatar in a computer game. You are locked into the
choices you made but you are not locked into how you play it.
LILY: Do you help us?
When you know how to access our support, you can ask for help. You draw what
you desire into you. Ask and it will be given.
LILY: Where does this come from?
You can draw it from anywhere. You draw the energy you need from the greater
If I wanted to be a great musician, could I draw musical ability from a great
musician who has passed over?
Yes. Then you practice your instrument and use the inspiration that comes to
you. How you express yourself through that instrument is the key. You learn
about expression.
Learning to play music is a tool. It is not important
in itself. What is important is the opportunity to express your uniqueness
through the music.
LILY: Why do we keep coming back, life after life?
COUNCIL: You ask to come back.
LILY: Has my guide lived on the planet?
LILY: Is he a part of my soul?
LILY: What is the role of a guide and how does that
system work?
Your guide is part of a different drama, a different game. He is playing a game
too, the game of being a guide.
LILY: What is time?
There is no such thing. There is only the moment. The idea of time is just a
LILY: Do we have soul groups?
People like school trips. They like to experience things together. The people
who are with you in a life are part of the choices you made when you planned
your life. You decide with whom you incarnate.
During his life between lives session, David received
some general information about the purpose of our lives and what is needed to
transcend the cycle of Earth incarnations. You have met David before in two
earlier chapters. In the first he experienced a past life as a monk. In the
second, he saw the patterns of behavior that unfolded over many lifetimes. Here,
David is taken to the library and given a book. This book is about all of his
past lives.
My guide and I are walking around, watching people
studying in a library. I see there are rows and rows of books.
feels that I have gone backwards somewhat. He wants to show me some of things I
have done. I might be here to study for a while before going back to earth.
Interestingly, David spent two hundred years between
his last incarnation in the early eighteenth century and his present life. In
this current era, when there is so much opportunity to reincarnate, most souls
have a much shorter time between lives, often no more than a decade.
It is good to be back here but I feel a bit
have found the librarian and she is finding my book. My book is now on the
table and I am looking at the first page.
is like a regular book but with holographic pop-ups. As a kid I had those
pop-up books but these pop-ups are alive, like watching a 3D movie.
am told when I started off in physical form I showed great promise.
am looking at a battle scene. I am a Roman Centurion and we are victorious. I
was instrumental in winning these battles.
Now we are turning to the next page. It’s another
battles, but now I am on the other side. On the left page I am fighting in
Northern Europe, near Saxony, against the Romans. It is very bloody. On the
right page I am in another life, fighting in North Africa. I see elephants.
This time, I’m a Roman soldier again.
see a horrible irony. In one life I fight for one side. Then we die and meet
the same foes in the next life. But now you and your old foes have changed
doesn’t matter who or what you fight for. It is all about the role you take and
the way you play with what you are given. That is what determines your true
character. It is about how the character perseveres.
I turn the pages, I see different people and different lives. I am still
involved in a military role but now I’m becoming a spy. I died a lot in those
early lives by being caught. I got better at spying and I learned to read
I made a change. I became more of a recluse and lived a more peaceful life. I
became more spiritual. I wanted to pay my karmic debts. In the roles I had
played as a spy, I betrayed people and I felt a need for atonement.
are pages and pages of me being in conclaves. I helped people in various lives
and various places. Not all of them were in the church.
I age in each of those roles, I become more influential and I am able to help
people. Predominately, I had lives in religious orders but in many different
traditions. Often I am born into religious families.
were a lot of inspiring people in those lives. I became caught up in the idea
of transcending the physical and breaking the cycle of incarnation. I wanted to
free myself from the physical realm.
guide is telling me that I can try to shortcut it all if I want but I won’t get
the true understanding without the full experience of Earth. One has to undergo
the complete journey to fully understand the Earth experience.
says the experience of many human lives gives us the understanding that allows
transcendence. We have to get the lessons from the human lives in the first
place, in order to learn how to transcend the physical. There is no point
sending you back if you are not going to take advantage of that full experience
of Earth.
also says it’s harder to break patterns of behavior if you do the same thing
lifetime after lifetime, such as being a spiritual devotee. You do not progress
in your learning if you keep taking the same path.
David lived many lives as a Buddhist monk, trying to
achieve enlightenment. He was told that this quest is futile until he has
experienced and understood the complete nature of physical life.
In some regressions, people just get a snippet or two
of information that is useful. I have decided to share some of these insights
with you.
Liseo experiences a past life on twelve tropical
islands where there is great abundance, love and peace. the inhabitants
celebrate their lives, feeling great gratitude for all they have and love for
one another. In the past life, Liseo dies and meets with a number of light
The guides are saying this past life is to show that
the universe will provide. There is no lack. Love is real. Everything else is
experience of abundance is for the future children to bring light to the
darkness in the world. Light travels to darkness, the darkness doesn’t travel
to the light.
children of those islands bring light to the world. They are now masters,
twelve masters from the twelve islands. They fell and came to earth. They came
to understand what Earth was like from the human perspective and they did get
caught up in the ego experience. They used to fight with each other but they
stopped and saw the truth. They came back to knowing that love is the only
reality. Everything else is an illusion. This is the message for the world.
Now there is a shift in Liseo. Instead of reporting
what he receives, these light beings now speak through him, introducing
themselves by saying: ‘We are Twelve. We are One.’
I ask them questions about the past life, who they are
and if they have any more messages for us.
Everyone is the message. The message whispers. You
don’t find your purpose, you live it. You are finding your true self, finding
can flow. Your fear, desperation and anxieties are against the flow. Suffering
comes from resisting the flow.
all have the same destination. If you go with the flow, the journey is happy.
You don’t need all this suffering. Fear is what brings suffering, the fear of
letting go of control. Control itself is an illusion. It comes from your ego.
There are no mistakes. You can relinquish control and go with the flow. You
will all arrive at your destination.
All the suffering is an illusion, just resistance.
At the time of receiving this message, I didn’t fully understand
what these high-level beings mean by flow. Now I know that flow means to trust
and allow, instead of worrying and fighting whatever is happening. You are in
the flow when you know absolutely there are no mistakes, that you are
ultimately taken care of and everything that is happening is meant to be
happening. There is a larger plan. We humans are not in control and do not need
to be.
During Andrés’s life between lives session, he met the
Council of Elders. They looked like judges and wore wigs and rich, red robes.
Andrés was worried because of bad things he had done
in his past life as a soldier in the First World War. He thought he might go to
Andrés quickly became aware that he had already judged
himself, and the Elders were only playing along with his expectations. Soon
their wigs and robes were gone and they were sitting around on leather lounge
chairs chatting with him as a colleague. Andrés described this as sharing
Andrés mentioned that the Council knew the war was
coming decades before it was declared.
Andrés discovered that the personality of a human is
made up of many intentions, including the intention of the Council, the
parents, the soul itself and many other influences. The soul may not be the
prime mover because it might not know enough about its needs. A human is like
the project undertaken by a design and implementation team.
Some of the life is planned and much remains simply as
possibilities. Possibilities are pruned away by choices as one is drawn in a
particular direction.
Any individual can tap into the consciousness of any
other person who has lived, if his or her desire is strong enough. Of course,
one still has to learn the necessary skills. For example, if you wish to be a
pianist, your body and brain need to learn to work together, so you can play
the piano well. Then you can access inspiration from any of the great pianists
of the past.
The Council said there are many opportunities in this
era for people to access the information they need. They can choose to be open
or they can choose to be closed. People who choose to be closed can be brutal.
There is brutality on Earth and that is available as a choice. Currently Earth
life offers a smorgasbord of opportunity.
People can talk themselves up but underneath they are
haunted by the shame they have accumulated. They have no balance. More
information is not the solution. They need to take the longer view, the
expanded view. The roots we have are much deeper than a single entity born in
this era.
Mauricio, who you met earlier, received some advice from
his guide after experiencing a life as a soldier in the Second World War, when
he had to kill the enemy.
I am being asked how I felt about killing people
during the war. I tell my guide I had to do it, but I didn’t like it.
guide is asking me to compare how that is different to a previous life where I
killed out of my own free will.
felt it was necessary for the greater good in the life of Walter [the
soldier], even though I
didn’t enjoy it.
[Mauricio’s guide] is
telling me not to be hard on myself for killing the enemy. It was for the
greater good. She is telling me that there is a lot of human evolution that
needs to take place before we have a true choice. She means that humans have a
long way to go before we reach the point where we can refuse to kill.
will have to be at peace before we have free will about killing.
Mauricio was also given some general advice from the
Council about how free will interacts with predetermination.
You plan your lives. For the greater part, you all
choose the events you will experience in your lives, although not every
eventuality can be predetermined. If you are not involved in the events you
need to experience, you will leave the physical realm. You leave when there is
no growth or forward movement.
are other things that can happen apart from your main learning. These may be
useful or they may be detrimental. You will just come across them. Sometimes it
is the free will of others playing out. Sometimes it is your free will in
choose your life and the probabilities. It is correct that this choice is at a
general level. Within that choice there is some room to move when you are
During his life between lives session, Pedro asked if
it is possible to be free while living in a human body. The Council replied:
In a sense, yes. Being tied to a body is difficult for
a soul. Go flying to get a sense of what a soul feels like when it is free from
a body. Love will set you free. And laughing is good for the soul too.
Many people who experience a life between lives
session gain a sense of being without a body. People who have a near death
experience feel this too. They often comment on the discomfort of returning to
the body. Clients also comment on how heavy they feel after coming out of the
trance, having experienced the lightness of being in the higher realms.
The advice from the Council reminds me of my friends
who love flying in light aircraft. They report feeling a sense of freedom when they
are in the sky. Even more so if doing aerobatics, where they toss the plane
around in seemingly boundless space.
It seems the timing for a regression is important.
Many Newton Institute practitioners discover that when appointments are delayed
for some practical reason, the changes in timing are meant to be. During the
sessions, we have been told that certain energies need to be in place to
achieve the outcomes our client desire.
I do not know a lot about astrology, but I suspect the
placement of the planets plays a key role in ensuring the energies are
I always trust the timing will be right. If the client
requests a time but that is not available, I expect we will find another that
is right for the regression.
Dimensional Transgression
I have had two clients who said they survived
incidents that should have been fatal. Both occurred while driving. One
miraculously ‘flew over’ a semi-trailer that had broken down, completely
blocking the road. The other blinked as he was driving fast towards the edge of
a cliff, only to find he was inexplicably back on the road, continuing forward.
Both incidents were witnessed by passengers.
The first client asked about it during his session. He
was told this sudden, impossible-seeming shift is called a ‘dimensional
transgression’, and it happened to remind him of his divinity. Nothing happens
by mistake, they said. All is for the higher good.
Earth Changes
Many clients are told they are here to help bring
about vibrational changes that are taking place on the planet. The high-level
intelligent beings tell us that the Earth energies need to balance. Further
inquiries reveal that light needs to balance dark. There will always be dark
and there will always be light, and the two need to be in equilibrium.
We are told that the new era—referred to as the Earth
Changes—also involves balancing male and female energies. The end of 2012
ushered in a shift, which is a major change for humans. Over the last two thousand
years, humans have been greatly influenced by strong masculine energies. As
more of the feminine energies come in, people will find it easier to express
loving and nurturing thoughts and actions. This will take time but will
ultimately help heal the planet.
The people who bring about most change in our lives
are not usually high profile, such as those who preach, make the news, or
achieve fame. The people who work quietly in the background bring about the
most change in our world, particularly positive energetic change.
When you undertake a life between lives regression,
you are given the opportunity to ask many questions. All our clients, save one,
have received answers to their questions. In that instance, the client was in a
blissful place, and the Council wanted her to integrate those feelings. They
said she spent too much time in her head, seeking intellectual answers. They
reassured her that the answers will come to her when she most needs them, most
likely while she is meditating.
The answers we receive during a life between lives
session are not limited to words. Rather, the answers come alive in us. They
become part of our lived experience. Clients have to translate this experience
into words so it can be recorded for them to access later.
By the time I come to ask my clients’ prepared
questions, many have already been answered. The past life, meeting with the
guide, and visiting the library or life selection area will have provided much
of the information sought.
When it comes to the big picture, the individual is
sometimes given other-worldly experiences. For example, one person was drawn
into a light that became an enormous cherishing flower. She had tears running
down her face as she absorbed so much love she wondered if her circuits would
The answers are always provided to the person who
asks. Therefore, they reflect the culture, the beliefs and level of development
of each person. Nevertheless, some of the information outlined in this chapter
may resonate with you personally. I suggest you take those ideas on board, and
leave behind anything that jars.
Entrevista a Karen Joy, en 2016 con motivo de la presentación del libro que nos ocupa
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