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martes, 29 de marzo de 2022

Capítulo 11. El Panorama.


The BIG Picture

The only limits to personal insight are self-imposed". (Michael Newton)

 Most people decide to do a regression to gather more information about personal challenges in their lives. But not everyone is focused purely on personal issues. Some people want answers to the big questions in life. They want to know the nature of reality and why humanity is the way it is. A life between lives session is the perfect place to receive these answers.

During your session, you have access to a panel of wise beings. Collectively, these beings are known as the Council of Elders. The Council answers your questions in creative ways so you will receive the understanding you seek.

Before the session, the client writes down a list of questions that he or she wants answered. The client receives the answers from the Council or their guides, and tells me so I can record them. In effect, the questioner is the client and the responder is the Council. Even though some clients doubt that their questions will be answered, these doubts are unfounded. The answers will always be given, nearly always during the session. If they are not given during the session, they will come to the client soon after

In this chapter, we explore some of the answers that have been given to the big questions clients have asked. Of course, these answers will have been tailored to the personality and needs of the questioner. However, useful information about the purpose of our lives on Earth and how the system works can be gleaned from these important interactions.


In the following dialogue, I ask the questions that Bertu has prepared, while Bertu channels the Council’s answers. Because Bertu wanted to know more about the big picture, I also ask probing questions on his behalf.

The Council of Elders gave Bertu the answers he sought, often accompanied with images. The Council said he had incarnated on Earth a thousand times, and that he was three-quarters of the way there.

BEN: What is ‘there’?

COUNCIL: Union with the creator.

BEN: But didn’t we start there? Why do we leave, only to come back?

COUNCIL: It is like putting metal in the fire to make it stronger.

BEN: Why does it need to be stronger?

COUNCIL: It is about the ever-expanding universe.

BEN: Is the universe always expanding?


BEN: What is our role in that?

COUNCIL: The universe cannot expand without what you humans provide.

BEN: Can they help us to understand what we are providing?

COUNCIL: It is energy.

BEN: What sort of energy?

COUNCIL: Stronger energy. More expansive. Increased creation.

BEN: What is creation?

COUNCIL: Expanding the universe.

BEN: Can you elaborate?

COUNCIL: It is about your thoughts, your actions and your experiences. You do things that surprise us. Humans can do new and amazing things, and that is creation.

BEN: Is it just going to expand forever?

COUNCIL: Probably.

BEN: Why is expansion important?

COUNCIL: If you don’t expand, you contract.

BEN: How did it all begin?

The Council responded with silence. Bertu then reported that he was being given an image of a heart with a spider-web around it. I asked the Council to explain the image.

COUNCIL: It’s a big circle. A new soul comes out of the nursery. It experiences life. It finishes reincarnating and then goes back to the original energy source stronger. That keeps the expansion going. Humans are all of that.

BEN: In what way are we stronger?

COUNCIL: It is about knowledge but more than knowledge. It is seeing the interconnectedness of everything. The spider-web represents interconnectedness.

Bertu then reported seeing a massive, three-dimensional web.

COUNCIL: Getting stronger is about your awareness of the interconnectedness. You need to see how an action or thought impacts on the other parts. It is learning how things relate to each other. And this awareness needs to be constant. You need to think before you take any action.

BEN: How do you create with the energy?

COUNCIL: You make your light bigger and you do that with your mind. You think about what you want to create with a lot of intent. Then you can make your creation manifest. You can shape things by intentional thought.

BEN: Is God perfect? Why has this ‘perfect’ God made all these imperfect people?

COUNCIL: It is not about perfection. It is about expansion.

BEN: Where do the guides fit in? Do we become guides?

COUNCIL: The guides help you all to keep expanding. Souls who have incarnated can become guides.

BEN: What about angels? Are they real or are they just other souls?

COUNCIL: They are souls.

BEN: Have they incarnated?

COUNCIL: They are not in between incarnations.

BEN: Angels haven’t incarnated?

COUNCIL: Incarnation is not their job. They are angels. They come to help you. Their energy is white and fresh. They are just different.

BEN: Are they loving?

COUNCIL: They are different to what you know as loving. Protective is a better description. When you hear stories of someone narrowly avoiding a tragedy, then the angels have been involved. Or if you were saved from a situation and then the person who saved you disappears. That was an angel. This happens when you get yourself into something that is not in your plan or you went further than you should have. The angels look after you.

BEN: What are Creators?

COUNCIL: When you have finished incarnating, you can become a Creator.

BEN: Do you mean a Creator of universes?

COUNCIL: When you are finished incarnating you can create your own universe, but it has to fit in with the overall plan.

BEN: Who is the overall planner?

COUNCIL: The energy.

BEN: Is our physical world a virtual reality?


Bertu said he was given a vision of millions of lights, suns and planets, and there were spider-webs connecting them all.

After Bertu came out of the trance, he said the experience of receiving the information could not be fully portrayed in words. He received visions and a deep sense of what the Council meant. He was very satisfied with the wisdom he was given. He said he retained a deep understanding of what our soul journeys are all about.



Lilia was interested in the plans or contracts we make, at the soul level, before we reincarnate. In her session, she had experienced a past life where she felt she had died prematurely. She was upset because she had not finished her life’s work, and that work had been benefiting many people.

The Council explained that her early death was part of the contract she made before she incarnated. There were good reasons for the early death. The good work she was doing expanded as a consequence of her death. The Council continued:

There can be disagreements between the individual soul and the physical person. The contract is made by the soul. Your physical self might not agree with the contract as you play it out. You, as a human, can get very involved on the earthly plane, too involved. You can get very serious about what you are doing on Earth. You forget that life is just a game. You don’t really die.

Lilia also wanted to know what options in her life she should pursue and what she should avoid. The Council pointed out that some souls reach a level of development where they can relax and trust. Lilia was now at that level. They continued:

At this stage in your development you do not need to take on anything that does not give you joy. Pushing yourself to take on various tasks and overcome obstacles has been important in the past. That was when you were a younger soul. Now you need to trust the opportunities that come to you rather than seeking out specific opportunities. Don’t make things happen. If it is meant to happen, it will happen. Don’t knock on doors that are not easily opened. You can be proactive once the opportunity is there.

To release any feelings of constriction, flow more with the good opportunities that come your way. These will be obvious to you, especially when you are rested, relaxed, open and trusting. Then you are in a more expanded state and can see where to go. Duty is the danger. Don’t act out of duty. Act from the heart.

Lilia wanted to know how she could make her life more joyful. The Council pointed out the importance of letting go of the past. They continued:

Instead of looking for explanations about the past and what you did not understand, you can override the past by realising that all experiences are subjective anyway. Everyone does ‘good’ things and everyone does ‘bad’ things. Everyone makes mistakes, learns and changes course. How you judge yourself is all just a perspective.

When you really, really get it, you know it is all just a game. Then you can change anything in the past. The past doesn’t influence you anymore. At the end of the day, the past is nothing more than multiple points of view. Nothing is concrete. You can change it.

Looking at something differently rewrites it for you. It changes history. When you change your perspective, everything changes. It was as real as it could be in the moment when it happened. But now it is in the past and just a memory. There are many ways of looking at that experience that is now just a memory.

Culture is an accumulation of memories and beliefs. Culture is nothing real. You take on the beliefs of those around you, until you let them go. It is important to initiate change. When you help others you help them change perspective. Change is useful. Remember, nothing is concrete. Everything can be changed. You can rewrite and change it all at any point. You don’t need to be constrained or limited by past experiences.

Lilia had more questions for the Council. Again, I asked on Lilia’s behalf, while she channelled the Council’s answers.

LILY: What forms each life?

COUNCIL: Choice. You choose it all.

LILY: Who is the ‘you’ that does the choosing?

COUNCIL: The soul with many experiences.

LILY: Do we have many lives to gain these experiences?

COUNCIL: Some souls learn fast, some souls learn slowly. It is about the quality of the experience, not the quantity.

LILY: How do we choose our Earth life?

COUNCIL: We help you. After you make your choices, you live them. It is like painting a picture or choosing an avatar in a computer game. You are locked into the choices you made but you are not locked into how you play it.

LILY: Do you help us?

COUNCIL: When you know how to access our support, you can ask for help. You draw what you desire into you. Ask and it will be given.

LILY: Where does this come from?

COUNCIL: You can draw it from anywhere. You draw the energy you need from the greater wisdom.

LILY: If I wanted to be a great musician, could I draw musical ability from a great musician who has passed over?

COUNCIL: Yes. Then you practice your instrument and use the inspiration that comes to you. How you express yourself through that instrument is the key. You learn about expression.

Learning to play music is a tool. It is not important in itself. What is important is the opportunity to express your uniqueness through the music.

LILY: Why do we keep coming back, life after life?

COUNCIL: You ask to come back.

LILY: Has my guide lived on the planet?


LILY: Is he a part of my soul?


LILY: What is the role of a guide and how does that system work?

COUNCIL: Your guide is part of a different drama, a different game. He is playing a game too, the game of being a guide.

LILY: What is time?

COUNCIL: There is no such thing. There is only the moment. The idea of time is just a perspective.

LILY: Do we have soul groups?

COUNCIL: People like school trips. They like to experience things together. The people who are with you in a life are part of the choices you made when you planned your life. You decide with whom you incarnate.



During his life between lives session, David received some general information about the purpose of our lives and what is needed to transcend the cycle of Earth incarnations. You have met David before in two earlier chapters. In the first he experienced a past life as a monk. In the second, he saw the patterns of behavior that unfolded over many lifetimes. Here, David is taken to the library and given a book. This book is about all of his past lives.

My guide and I are walking around, watching people studying in a library. I see there are rows and rows of books.

He feels that I have gone backwards somewhat. He wants to show me some of things I have done. I might be here to study for a while before going back to earth.

Interestingly, David spent two hundred years between his last incarnation in the early eighteenth century and his present life. In this current era, when there is so much opportunity to reincarnate, most souls have a much shorter time between lives, often no more than a decade.

It is good to be back here but I feel a bit disappointed.

We have found the librarian and she is finding my book. My book is now on the table and I am looking at the first page.

It is like a regular book but with holographic pop-ups. As a kid I had those pop-up books but these pop-ups are alive, like watching a 3D movie.

I am told when I started off in physical form I showed great promise.

I am looking at a battle scene. I am a Roman Centurion and we are victorious. I was instrumental in winning these battles.

Now we are turning to the next page. It’s another life.

More battles, but now I am on the other side. On the left page I am fighting in Northern Europe, near Saxony, against the Romans. It is very bloody. On the right page I am in another life, fighting in North Africa. I see elephants. This time, I’m a Roman soldier again.

I see a horrible irony. In one life I fight for one side. Then we die and meet the same foes in the next life. But now you and your old foes have changed sides.

It doesn’t matter who or what you fight for. It is all about the role you take and the way you play with what you are given. That is what determines your true character. It is about how the character perseveres.

As I turn the pages, I see different people and different lives. I am still involved in a military role but now I’m becoming a spy. I died a lot in those early lives by being caught. I got better at spying and I learned to read people.

Then I made a change. I became more of a recluse and lived a more peaceful life. I became more spiritual. I wanted to pay my karmic debts. In the roles I had played as a spy, I betrayed people and I felt a need for atonement.

There are pages and pages of me being in conclaves. I helped people in various lives and various places. Not all of them were in the church.

As I age in each of those roles, I become more influential and I am able to help people. Predominately, I had lives in religious orders but in many different traditions. Often I am born into religious families.

There were a lot of inspiring people in those lives. I became caught up in the idea of transcending the physical and breaking the cycle of incarnation. I wanted to free myself from the physical realm.

My guide is telling me that I can try to shortcut it all if I want but I won’t get the true understanding without the full experience of Earth. One has to undergo the complete journey to fully understand the Earth experience.

He says the experience of many human lives gives us the understanding that allows transcendence. We have to get the lessons from the human lives in the first place, in order to learn how to transcend the physical. There is no point sending you back if you are not going to take advantage of that full experience of Earth.

He also says it’s harder to break patterns of behavior if you do the same thing lifetime after lifetime, such as being a spiritual devotee. You do not progress in your learning if you keep taking the same path.

David lived many lives as a Buddhist monk, trying to achieve enlightenment. He was told that this quest is futile until he has experienced and understood the complete nature of physical life.

In some regressions, people just get a snippet or two of information that is useful. I have decided to share some of these insights with you.



Liseo experiences a past life on twelve tropical islands where there is great abundance, love and peace. the inhabitants celebrate their lives, feeling great gratitude for all they have and love for one another. In the past life, Liseo dies and meets with a number of light beings.

The guides are saying this past life is to show that the universe will provide. There is no lack. Love is real. Everything else is illusion.

This experience of abundance is for the future children to bring light to the darkness in the world. Light travels to darkness, the darkness doesn’t travel to the light.

The children of those islands bring light to the world. They are now masters, twelve masters from the twelve islands. They fell and came to earth. They came to understand what Earth was like from the human perspective and they did get caught up in the ego experience. They used to fight with each other but they stopped and saw the truth. They came back to knowing that love is the only reality. Everything else is an illusion. This is the message for the world.

Now there is a shift in Liseo. Instead of reporting what he receives, these light beings now speak through him, introducing themselves by saying: ‘We are Twelve. We are One.’

I ask them questions about the past life, who they are and if they have any more messages for us.

Everyone is the message. The message whispers. You don’t find your purpose, you live it. You are finding your true self, finding love.

You can flow. Your fear, desperation and anxieties are against the flow. Suffering comes from resisting the flow.

You all have the same destination. If you go with the flow, the journey is happy. You don’t need all this suffering. Fear is what brings suffering, the fear of letting go of control. Control itself is an illusion. It comes from your ego. There are no mistakes. You can relinquish control and go with the flow. You will all arrive at your destination.

All the suffering is an illusion, just resistance.

At the time of receiving this message, I didn’t fully understand what these high-level beings mean by flow. Now I know that flow means to trust and allow, instead of worrying and fighting whatever is happening. You are in the flow when you know absolutely there are no mistakes, that you are ultimately taken care of and everything that is happening is meant to be happening. There is a larger plan. We humans are not in control and do not need to be.



During Andrés’s life between lives session, he met the Council of Elders. They looked like judges and wore wigs and rich, red robes.

Andrés was worried because of bad things he had done in his past life as a soldier in the First World War. He thought he might go to hell.

Andrés quickly became aware that he had already judged himself, and the Elders were only playing along with his expectations. Soon their wigs and robes were gone and they were sitting around on leather lounge chairs chatting with him as a colleague. Andrés described this as sharing information.

Andrés mentioned that the Council knew the war was coming decades before it was declared.

Andrés discovered that the personality of a human is made up of many intentions, including the intention of the Council, the parents, the soul itself and many other influences. The soul may not be the prime mover because it might not know enough about its needs. A human is like the project undertaken by a design and implementation team.

Some of the life is planned and much remains simply as possibilities. Possibilities are pruned away by choices as one is drawn in a particular direction.

Any individual can tap into the consciousness of any other person who has lived, if his or her desire is strong enough. Of course, one still has to learn the necessary skills. For example, if you wish to be a pianist, your body and brain need to learn to work together, so you can play the piano well. Then you can access inspiration from any of the great pianists of the past.

The Council said there are many opportunities in this era for people to access the information they need. They can choose to be open or they can choose to be closed. People who choose to be closed can be brutal. There is brutality on Earth and that is available as a choice. Currently Earth life offers a smorgasbord of opportunity.

People can talk themselves up but underneath they are haunted by the shame they have accumulated. They have no balance. More information is not the solution. They need to take the longer view, the expanded view. The roots we have are much deeper than a single entity born in this era.




Mauricio, who you met earlier, received some advice from his guide after experiencing a life as a soldier in the Second World War, when he had to kill the enemy.

I am being asked how I felt about killing people during the war. I tell my guide I had to do it, but I didn’t like it.

My guide is asking me to compare how that is different to a previous life where I killed out of my own free will.

I felt it was necessary for the greater good in the life of Walter [the soldier], even though I didn’t enjoy it.

She [Mauricio’s guide] is telling me not to be hard on myself for killing the enemy. It was for the greater good. She is telling me that there is a lot of human evolution that needs to take place before we have a true choice. She means that humans have a long way to go before we reach the point where we can refuse to kill.

Everyone will have to be at peace before we have free will about killing.

Mauricio was also given some general advice from the Council about how free will interacts with predetermination.

You plan your lives. For the greater part, you all choose the events you will experience in your lives, although not every eventuality can be predetermined. If you are not involved in the events you need to experience, you will leave the physical realm. You leave when there is no growth or forward movement.

There are other things that can happen apart from your main learning. These may be useful or they may be detrimental. You will just come across them. Sometimes it is the free will of others playing out. Sometimes it is your free will in action.

You choose your life and the probabilities. It is correct that this choice is at a general level. Within that choice there is some room to move when you are physical.



During his life between lives session, Pedro asked if it is possible to be free while living in a human body. The Council replied:

In a sense, yes. Being tied to a body is difficult for a soul. Go flying to get a sense of what a soul feels like when it is free from a body. Love will set you free. And laughing is good for the soul too.

Many people who experience a life between lives session gain a sense of being without a body. People who have a near death experience feel this too. They often comment on the discomfort of returning to the body. Clients also comment on how heavy they feel after coming out of the trance, having experienced the lightness of being in the higher realms.

The advice from the Council reminds me of my friends who love flying in light aircraft. They report feeling a sense of freedom when they are in the sky. Even more so if doing aerobatics, where they toss the plane around in seemingly boundless space.




It seems the timing for a regression is important. Many Newton Institute practitioners discover that when appointments are delayed for some practical reason, the changes in timing are meant to be. During the sessions, we have been told that certain energies need to be in place to achieve the outcomes our client desire.

I do not know a lot about astrology, but I suspect the placement of the planets plays a key role in ensuring the energies are appropriate.

I always trust the timing will be right. If the client requests a time but that is not available, I expect we will find another that is right for the regression.


Dimensional Transgression

I have had two clients who said they survived incidents that should have been fatal. Both occurred while driving. One miraculously ‘flew over’ a semi-trailer that had broken down, completely blocking the road. The other blinked as he was driving fast towards the edge of a cliff, only to find he was inexplicably back on the road, continuing forward. Both incidents were witnessed by passengers.

The first client asked about it during his session. He was told this sudden, impossible-seeming shift is called a ‘dimensional transgression’, and it happened to remind him of his divinity. Nothing happens by mistake, they said. All is for the higher good.


Earth Changes

Many clients are told they are here to help bring about vibrational changes that are taking place on the planet. The high-level intelligent beings tell us that the Earth energies need to balance. Further inquiries reveal that light needs to balance dark. There will always be dark and there will always be light, and the two need to be in equilibrium.

We are told that the new era—referred to as the Earth Changes—also involves balancing male and female energies. The end of 2012 ushered in a shift, which is a major change for humans. Over the last two thousand years, humans have been greatly influenced by strong masculine energies. As more of the feminine energies come in, people will find it easier to express loving and nurturing thoughts and actions. This will take time but will ultimately help heal the planet.

The people who bring about most change in our lives are not usually high profile, such as those who preach, make the news, or achieve fame. The people who work quietly in the background bring about the most change in our world, particularly positive energetic change.




When you undertake a life between lives regression, you are given the opportunity to ask many questions. All our clients, save one, have received answers to their questions. In that instance, the client was in a blissful place, and the Council wanted her to integrate those feelings. They said she spent too much time in her head, seeking intellectual answers. They reassured her that the answers will come to her when she most needs them, most likely while she is meditating.

The answers we receive during a life between lives session are not limited to words. Rather, the answers come alive in us. They become part of our lived experience. Clients have to translate this experience into words so it can be recorded for them to access later.

By the time I come to ask my clients’ prepared questions, many have already been answered. The past life, meeting with the guide, and visiting the library or life selection area will have provided much of the information sought.

When it comes to the big picture, the individual is sometimes given other-worldly experiences. For example, one person was drawn into a light that became an enormous cherishing flower. She had tears running down her face as she absorbed so much love she wondered if her circuits would explode.

The answers are always provided to the person who asks. Therefore, they reflect the culture, the beliefs and level of development of each person. Nevertheless, some of the information outlined in this chapter may resonate with you personally. I suggest you take those ideas on board, and leave behind anything that jars.


domingo, 27 de marzo de 2022

Capítulo 9. Encarando a la Muerte

Es un capítulo intrigante eso de encarar a la Parca... Y si embargo es algo totalmente natural ya que todo principio tiene un fin que justifica el principio, cual eterno trabajo de Sísifo. Salvo aquello que no tiene principio ni final, la cosa de morir intranquiliza bastante. Veamos qué cuentan los newtonianos, aprovechando la ocasión para subir, también, un hermoso canto católico de esperanza en la luz eterna.


"La muerte no es el final" letra de Cesáreo Gabaráin Azurmendi (1936-1991)

Facing Death

For what is it to die, but to stand naked in the wind and to melt into the sun? And when the Earth shall claim your limbs, then you shall truly dance. KAHLIL GIBRAN

We all die, whether we want to or not. The idea of dying can be challenging, even for those who believe that we survive the death of the physical body.
While in a physical body, we naturally focus on material things—our safety, our pursuits, our possessions, our interactions with others, the beauty of our world and its challenges. When we die, the world we knew is gone. The people we cherished are out of reach. If we are not prepared, death is a shock.
Some people never face the fact that they and their loved ones will die. I have counselled people overwrought by the death of a greatly loved, elderly pet. They had never considered this day would come. I wondered why they were so unprepared. I eventually worked it out. They hated loss and were not good at letting go. The thought of losing a pet was so traumatic, they never thought about it. Pushing away the thought was easier than being prepared. Of course, the day of loss came anyway, and their lack of preparation meant that it hit them extremely hard.
This lack of preparedness does not apply just to the loss of pets. Many people avoid thinking about their own death or the death of their loved ones. When they are faced with a profound loss, these are the people who say, ‘I never thought this would happen to me.’ Previously, when someone they knew died, they had managed to distance themselves from their emotions. Now they cannot. The loss is too great.
Facing death takes courage. Some people have the fortitude to face death well before the grim reaper knocks on their door. This is wise. Although one can never be fully prepared, much of the fear of death can be resolved beforehand.
People who undertake past life or life between lives regressions often lose their fear of death. This happens for two reasons. First, they experience dying in their past lives. Second, they discover where they go after death.
Paula, whose past lives are described in the chapter, Not Cleopatra, did not have any expectations from her session. She was just curious. But she did get something she never anticipated.
And the other thing I got that surprised me was a sense that, when I die in this lifetime, there is nothing much to fear. My energy was really positive and swirling and dancing up above, just after both lifetimes, just after dying. Death is easy if you let go gently.

Sinda claimed she was not afraid of death but she was afraid of being at home alone at night. She had always wanted to visit the other side and now she had the opportunity. A relative gifted her a past life regression and a life between lives regression.
Before we proceed into the past life, Sinda says she has a sore stomach. Sinda regresses easily, staying one step ahead of me in my role as hypnotherapist. Her first past life soon reveals the reason for her stomach pains.
It is night-time and I am inside. It is cold and dark. I can see out of the windows. There are pink spots like eyes moving. Now it is getting lighter. There is a light near my face. I can see green trees.
I don’t think I am alive. I don’t think I have a body. I see a big eye again looking at me. I feel very little. My stomach hurts.
They’re stabbing swords into my stomach. I am lying on a table in an old castle. My mother is standing at the end of the table. As terrible as it is, I am not going to cry. I will not give them the satisfaction.
But now Sinda does cry, and takes some deep slow breaths. It takes a few minutes for her to release the pain in her stomach and the emotions associated with the horror of it all. Now she receives more information about this life.
My name is María and I am dressed all in white. This is a time after the Romans, in England. The castle is by the sea in the south of England.
I was naughty. I am the King’s daughter and I fell pregnant to a man who is good to me but he is not acceptable to my mother. He was the gardener. We loved each other. The King’s men came dressed in armour to kill me.
My father ordered my death because my mother wanted me killed. They wanted to show that poor guy not to mess with the King. I am above his station. They hanged him.
My mother in my current life was also María’s mother.
This issue about class difference has carried into my current life. My mother never approved of my two partners. She never thought they were good enough for me. She has never let go of being the queen, even in her current life. My dad and his sister call her Queen Ana. Ana is her name. She carries on so much that my partner mockingly calls my family ‘blue bloods’.
My father then is a different soul to my father now. María’s father killed a lot of people to get the land so others wouldn’t take them over.
Sinda’s guide is with her and we ask about the purpose of her life as María.
I was trying to set a precedent. I wanted to show that poor people can mix with the rich. I was a fighter. I was trying to stand up for myself, and others. I did what I thought was right for everybody, not just me.
(In a later regression, we discover María was a wilful soul, who was out of alignment with the era in which she lived. The guides explain that there is a time for change and a time to accept the circumstances of life. When you are open and connected to your higher self, you know which direction to take.)
Before Sinda transitions into another past life she says, ‘I don’t know why I try to punish myself.’ Again she is foreseeing the next step, as we discover.
Something is not right. I am being punished again.
I see tangled vines circled around me. I am in white, a Victorian dress to just below the knees with long sleeves and hemmed with lace. I am a ten-year-old girl called Sara and I am crying.
I have run away and I am lost. My eye is hurting because I have been hit by my twelve-year-old brother. He hit me after I yelled at one of our servants, an old lady who is actually quite kind.
I am the daughter of the family who lives in a big, old stone house near the sea in England. I ran away because I knew I would be in trouble for being rude to the servant.
I can see the family all dressed up, the men with top hats. They are leaving in carriages to go to a funeral. I wanted to go too but I wasn’t allowed. I was angry and I took it out on the old lady who stayed home to look after my brother and me. It is my grandmother’s funeral. I wanted to go and say goodbye. I am upset because I loved my grandmother. That’s why I ran away.
No one comes to get me because they can’t find me. It is so dark and scary, I am afraid to leave. I don’t know how to get home so I stay there and just cry.
Men in uniforms find me in the morning, the police I think. I can’t stop crying.
They take me home and everyone is cross with me for being so silly. I think I gave my mother a nervous breakdown but my father is nice. My brother is nasty, laughing at me and calling me a spoilt brat.
No one is interested in why I did it. They don’t understand, thinking I was just being naughty. Not being able to say goodbye to my grandmother has clung to me.
My brother is listening to me now, saying different people show their sadness in different ways. That feels nice.
We move to another scene in Sinda’s life as Sara.
Now I am fourteen and we are leaving England on a big boat bound for Australia. Father has a high role on the ship but he is not the captain. We [his family] are allowed to go along. There is a tutor on board for us and the other children. We will be returning to England, but the other passengers will be staying in Australia.
We arrive in Darwin. The ship moors in the ocean and we come ashore in a small boat. As we get off, we have to watch for crocodiles. Some people will be settling here, mostly government workers and their families. There is not much to see, just a few old timber houses and some Chinese and Aboriginal people. There are not many white folk but we visit a few. They are all really scared of the Aboriginal people.
We move to another scene, discovering that Sara and her family continued on to Cairns.
I am fifteen now and I am with another family travelling out into the bush. I am happy because it is an adventure. I have been allowed to stay with this family as a nanny to their children.
The previous nanny was their grandmother and she died. I felt sorry for the children losing their grandmother. I know how that feels, and wanted to look after them. The father is a government officer and we are going to the gold fields. It is scary, all bush and no roads. We have to find a way through.
We arrive at the goldfields and live in a timber house. Someone who hates the government sets it alight. It burns down and we all die. I am only sixteen.
I die peacefully. It was quick.
My parents are in Sydney and they just found out that I have died. They are sorry I went with that group. Mother is shouting at father. She is saying he shouldn’t have let me go. I want to interrupt her. I want to tell her that I’m fine because I’ve been reunited with my grandmother. Somehow, I cut through her suffering. I see her face relax. She apologises to my father. They’re still sad but they feel more at peace.
They decide to settle in Sydney. I think they are my maternal grandmother’s family in my current life.
Sinda now reflects on the deaths she has just experienced in these two past lives.
This death is strange. It seems awful to be burnt to death but it wasn’t. Sara’s death was so different to the death of María. María was fighting death. Sara didn’t know she was dying. She fell asleep and died. Then her grandmother was there and it was fine. Sara missed her grandmother so much she didn’t mind dying.
Sinda’s two deaths are worth examining. Both were horrible ways for a sixteen-year-old to die, but there is one major difference. María’s death involved her parents. The very people who are supposed to protect her had ordered her to die. As a result, María never accepted her death. She remained stoic, refusing to cry out, angry at the injustice she perceived. María clung tightly to those emotions as she died.
Sara, on the other hand, did not resist her death. She missed her grandmother, who was there to meet her when she died. She was fully resolved at the time of her death. In fact, she made some effort to reassure her parents that she was fine before she left the Earth’s sphere.
Before her session, Sinda had told me that she was afraid of being alone at night, especially when all the lights were off. I decide I will test Sinda now and see if resolving María’s death has reduced her fear of the dark. I ask Sinda to imagine being in her house alone when it is dark.
It is dark and scary. I can hear conversations. People are talking. They are outside. Oh. They’re spirits. Actually, they are the spirits of Indigenous people. They are restless. You know, Murdering Creek is just near us, at the back of our house.
Murdering Creek got its name from a massacre that took place there about 150 years ago. A white man dressed as a swagman enticed the local Gubbi Gubbi people out of their lakeside camp to follow him along the lake and up the creek. Seven white men were lying in wait, holding their rifles. When their victims came within range, the whites opened fire. They fired again on those who fled. No one knows how many were killed. Unfortunately, this was not the only massacre of Indigenous people around these parts of the Sunshine Coast at that time.
I encourage Sinda to send out a beam of light and love from her heart to these Indigenous spirits. I suggest she continue doing this until she knows she has their attention.
They are crying. I am sending light and love to them. They are aware of me now. I can read their minds and they are wondering if they can take their possums with them?
I tell Sinda to send them the message that they can take their possums. She should also ask them to look for the elders who can guide them. I suggest she watch what happens next.
They were lost. They took the possums with them for food. They are going up into a golden light. Gosh, there are a lot of them. Hundreds... They are gone now.
I contact Sinda six weeks after her session to see how she is going. She reports that she is much less fearful and no longer afraid of the dark. Funny thing, she cannot remember the lost Indigenous souls and their possums. In fact, she has little memory of anything that happened in the session. Our conversation takes place just a couple of days after Christmas. She has guests and it is the holidays. No doubt she has more practical things on her mind.
I speak with Sinda again a month after Christmas. By now she has taken the time to listen to the recording of her session. Being home alone at night no longer frightens her. She also remarks that the possums that had made such a terrible nuisance of themselves around her house have gone, never to return. She says she hadn't connected all those dots until she listened to the recording of her regression.

Norina was another person who had a fear of being alone at night. She came to see me because of her anxiety. Many situations bothered her but being alone at night was looming as a major problem. Norina’s husband had been promoted and needed to attend a meeting interstate. For the first time in her twenty-four years, Norina was going to be alone for several nights.
After making sure Norina feels safe and secure, I regress her back to a time when she was home alone. I ask her to access her fears.
I am in the house and I feel afraid. Are all the doors locked? Can anyone get in? I am afraid someone might break in and hurt me. I cannot relax. I am walking up and down the hall checking everything. I hear sounds. Oh! It is just the neighbours putting out the rubbish. I am so jumpy any noise worries me.
I know that the best way to transcend fear is to confront it. This situation of being alone has triggered Norina’s underlying fears. Now that the fear has surfaced, she has the opportunity to put it to rest.
Her greatest fear is that she would die. She bravely says she wants to confront this fear and release it.
Norina believes in past lives so it is easy to remind her that she cannot die, not permanently anyway. Reassurance settles her a little. However, believing you never really die is not the same as knowing you survive death.
Norina still feels anxious. I ask what she fears might happen. She says she is afraid someone will come in and murder her. I suggest we press pause for a moment so she can process what she is experiencing.
A man has broken in. He rapes me and now he has his hands around my neck. He is strangling me and I cannot stop him. I am struggling. I don’t want to die. I am too young to die.
I agree by telling Norina that our physical bodies do die, and when that happens our life, as we knew it, is over. She is angry. She doesn’t think it is fair to have to die so young.
I encourage Norina to feel her anger and disappointment, suggesting she go with any emotions that emerge.
When she is calm, I suggest we move forward again. She needs to accept death and let go. I keep reassuring her as she moves through the grief of her life’s end.
I don’t know if I can let go. I don’t want my life to end. I had many things I wanted to do. I don’t know where I am going. I am afraid. I am letting go now. I can see my body. It doesn’t seem right that we have to die. That is a horrible way to die. [Norina weeps.] I am letting go. Moving now...faster. I am being pulled backwards, upwards through a tunnel. The earth is far away. I can see a light up ahead and I am being pulled towards it. Now I am floating through crystal raindrops. So beautiful. I can feel the light. It is all around me, so warm and loving.
Tears roll down Norina’s cheeks. I suggest she stays awhile in this place that feels so warm and safe.
Norina smiles. She tells me that she feels at peace. She is not alone, and feels surrounded by love. I ask her if she remembers how she reached this peaceful place.
She tells me that she travelled through a tunnel.
I ask her what happened before she went through the tunnel. Her voice fills with wonder.
I died! I was scared in the house and someone came in. They strangled me. Ohhh. That is so strange. Once I let go I went into that beautiful place of peace. I remember the crystal raindrops and the love. There is so much love.
When Norina meets her guide, she wants to know why we have to live and then die.
He is telling me it is our own choice to come into a life. He says we choose our death, too. That seems strange. I am asking him why I would choose to die like that. It is to balance. To understand. We have to experience both. What we do in one life to others we have to experience too. Then we know and that is how we heal. He says we do not need to be afraid of death. All the pain melts away. In the end we are all loved and accepted.
A smile forms on Norina’s face. When I bring her out of the trance, we talk for a few minutes before I ask her to close her eyes and imagine she is back in her house alone.
‘How do you feel?’ I ask her.
‘Much better,’ she replies.
‘Is there anything to be afraid of ?’
‘No. It is quiet and really peaceful’. She opens her eyes and starts laughing.
There is no reason to be afraid. Wow! All that worry I had and there is nothing to really be afraid of. I can remember that feeling of love, so warm and...comforting. Knowing what is waiting, it is hard to be afraid of death.

When someone dies unprepared or traumatically, the emotion associated with death might remain unresolved. I base this view on the hundreds of clients I have regressed, who have metaphorically ‘died’ as part of the experience. During their session, they release any emotional trauma or shock associated with the death. I have observed that their anxiety, fear or stress is nearly always relieved, never to return.
Some popular movies such as Ghost and The Sixth Sense have explored the theme of earthbound souls. In Ghost, the soul is focused on resolving his sudden death. In The Sixth Sense, the psychologist does not know he is dead.
Although these movies are dramatised to entertain their audience, they show how souls could be trapped in the Earth system. The energy that is trapped is not complete and the soul’s focus is very limited. In The Sixth Sense, the young psychic schoolboy says that these dead people ‘only see what they want to see’. My experience tells me that this description is apt. Sinda, as María, did not have a peaceful death. She was horrified at being murdered on the instructions of her parents. At the moment of death, she was focused on the negativity of this experience. Such focus, I believe, traps the negative emotion that can reverberate in future lives. Perhaps Sinda was guided to access this past life in order to release this negative emotional energy.
One of the benefits of regressing to our past lives and life between lives is the opportunity to release unneeded emotional energies, whether these energies are from a disturbing past life or a traumatic death.
A number of professionals have investigated the phenomenon of lost souls. In his book, Thirty Years Among the Dead, Dr. Carl Wickland describes how he rescued hundreds of dead people with the help of his psychic wife. Dr. William Baldwin, in his book, Spirit Releasement Therapy, considers the predicament of earthbound souls and outlines techniques for releasing them. Dr. Edith Fiore (The Unquiet Dead) and Dr. Louise Ireland-Frey (Freeing the Captives) also claim to have released many lost souls.
Many religions, traditional and primitive, have prayers and rituals to release the spirits of the dead. Perhaps we should not ignore the importance of a peaceful death.
How can we ensure we have a peaceful death, no matter what the circumstances? Prepare. Attaining an attitude of acceptance is the best preparation. When death looms, even unexpectedly, it only takes a split-second to release and let go.
A regression can be a positive experience for those who fear death. It is difficult to retain this fear if you have experienced death, even if it took place in a trance. Dying, and then finding blissful peace, is a powerful accomplishment. Something deep inside us changes. I know I no longer feel afraid of dying. Instead, I imagine dying with a sense of peaceful acceptance. When the reaper arrives, surrender now seems easy. Many others, who have visited a past life or their life between lives, express similar sentiments.

sábado, 26 de marzo de 2022

Capítulo 10. El propósito de mi vida


My Life’s Purpose

You Can’t Always Get What You Want

Most people would like to know what they are meant to be doing with their lives. During my twenty years of counselling, I have noticed that people are unsettled and unhappy if they sense they are not fulfilling their life’s purpose.
A visit to their life between lives gives people the opportunity to discover their life’s purpose. During their session, they receive much more than just information. Usually they relive a primary past life in their first session, and a secondary past life during the life between lives session. All these experiences, as well as the challenges they face in their current lives, provide fodder for examination. Their guides and the Council of Elders help them understand, first hand, the themes that are playing out in their lives. People come to see that the challenges, the events and the people in their current lives are there for a reason. As one client put it, ‘I felt I had been given the missing piece of the puzzle about why I behaved the way I did, and why I was who I was.’
When I conduct these sessions, I make only one firm promise: you will get what you need. Occasionally someone who expected to experience a past life does not. They go the trance but other issues come up that need to be addressed. Even though their expectations were not fulfilled, they leave happy. Their guides know exactly what they need. Their guides have brought them to my consulting room for a reason. That reason unfolds, and, by the time the session is over, the client has gained some valuable insights to take away.
Most people think that their life’s purpose is a job or a specific career. This is rarely the case. As you will see in the following stories, our purpose is more about refining the quality of our consciousness than the type of work we do. The physical skills we develop during our life die with the body, because the body is the vehicle for these skills. Our guides have described these physical abilities as ‘tools’. Fortunately, spiritual lessons do seem to carry over from life to life. These lessons are essential to our ongoing spiritual evolution.
Many of my clients have been the victims of violence in their past lives. Others have acted violently themselves. They usually find these memories challenging. To help them make sense of these experiences, I often ask them, ‘Do you now have any desire to kill another human?’ They never do, of course. Then I ask, ‘Did you have that desire earlier in your life, before learning better?’
They answer, ‘No. I have always felt that way. I have never wanted to hurt anyone.’
Then I ask, ‘So where did that knowing come from? Others in our world have the desire to kill. You don’t. And most likely you couldn’t, even to save yourself.’ They cannot answer. They don’t know how they developed such a distaste for violence.
I suspect they lost any desire to kill others through the experience of many lifetimes, lifetimes where they were killed and lifetimes where they killed. Once they have experienced both sides of the coin, so to speak, the desire to kill melts away. They know how it feels to be a victim and don’t want to inflict that on another.
This entropy of the killing instinct is, in my view, a change in consciousness that stays with us, once it is fully integrated into our psyche or soul. We improve the quality of our consciousness through many experiences that are eventually integrated. What we experience during the life between lives session, is a shift in our understanding. As we reflect on that experience it is integrated into our consciousness. Once we understand our journey, we know our next step.

Blanca, who is in her early sixties, came to see me after reading Michael Newton’s books. She kept herself busy helping others, and was keen to make a difference in people’s lives. Even so, she wondered if she was fulfilling her life’s purpose. She had read about unconditional love and wanted to know how it felt to be loved unconditionally. She also hoped, during her life between lives session, that she would discover the lessons she was meant to learn in her current life. In total, Blanca had fifteen questions for the Council of Elders. I confidently told her that clients always had their questions answered.
On the way to the life between lives realm I always regress the client to a past life. As I guide Blanca back towards a past life, she encounters nothing but darkness. She seems stuck. We soon discover the reason for this difficulty.
Blanca is lying on the floor of a hut. The night is moonless and inside it is pitch black. She is holding her breath, and feels her heart beating against her ribcage.
Blanca is a married woman in her mid-twenties. She lives a simple life with her husband in a rudimentary village. The huts in this community are made mostly of bark and have earthen floors. The clothes they all wear are made of rough fabric in dull brown colours. They all work the fields. The weather is cool, probably autumn, and the place is England nearly a thousand years ago.
Blanca is lying up against a wall of the hut. In the darkness she starts feeling anxious.
I am waiting or listening for something. There are horsemen coming. Now they are here. They are riding through the village destroying everything. They are burning the huts and killing people with swords. I am trying to be small and hide in the dark. But they break into the house and cut me up. Slice me. I don’t feel any pain.
It becomes apparent that Blanca does not know she has died.
She is still hiding. She feels no pain because she has gone numb.
I ask her if she needs to hide anymore.
She shakes her head.
I ask if hiding kept her safe.
No. The soldiers are determined. They want to clear out all the scum.
I hear a quiver in her voice. I ask if she still needs to hide from the soldiers.
No. Now I can look down and see. It is a bloody mess. Dirt and blood. I see my body. Going up further I see there are bodies everywhere. The soldiers are gone.
Life just goes so quickly. Luckily we have several lives.
Life isn’t respected. It is such waste. A life cut short so quickly, so suddenly.
I am floating. There are clouds. Still floating. Just resting. I don’t have to be afraid anymore. It is very nice. I am just floating in the clouds.
I ask if she wants to go home. Blanca starts crying quietly. ‘Can I really go home?’ she pleads. She needs ten minutes to recover. It seems she has felt lost for a long time.
She says she has moved upwards a little but once again she seems to be stuck.
I see a light but it is not clear. I am feeling quite peaceful but there is a block in my head. It needs to be removed. I can’t function with it there. It is like a locked vault and I haven’t got access to who I really am. It is all locked up.
Blanca complains that her head hurts as I gently probe to discover the nature of the block. It emerges that Blanca is disturbed because her life as the slaughtered peasant woman didn’t seem to have any purpose. Her guides come in. Blanca describes them as ‘a presence. ’ They help her gain a deeper understanding.
A life doesn’t always have to have a purpose. I have to have certain experiences. The experience itself is enough. I don’t always have to do stuff. It is enough just to be, to experience life without always striving. That life was important because it gave me the opportunity to experience humility. I have a tendency to want to do great things. I need to do ordinary things as well. It doesn’t hurt to have a few messy deaths.
I need to learn to be patient. I always want to go somewhere. I am unique and it is enough just to be myself. I have read about this place [life between lives] where people can go. So I have expectations that might not be met. I have to let go of what I have read and just allow my own journey to unfold.
I have a feeling of excitement. An aliveness. There is something about appreciating that feeling. I don’t have to do anything with it. It is a sense of being more alive. I just have to be it and radiate it. I am to relax and do whatever I feel like doing. I am supposed to enjoy my life.
All the bossy people in my life have an idea of how I should be, but I don’t have to be what they expect.
I remind Blanca of her questions. Her guides give her more information.
The questions will be answered in good time. There is no point in talking about it. That is all in the head. Being in the head takes away the feeling. I need to focus my attention on my heart, body and feelings, rather than my thoughts and head.
I am asking where these needs came from my need to prove myself by doing something worthy and my need to be approved of by significant others. ‘Lighten up,’ they said. ‘Don’t be so serious.’ It is part of my soul nature to be serious and focused on doing things. It has been good and helped me develop but now it is getting in the way. If I want to expand I have to lighten up and realize that life is not that serious.
There is more to life than achieving. Being light and having fun is an important part of life. It is not supposed to be all work and no play.
I am being told that this is my life lesson. I am to appreciate life and lighten up. I need to let go of all expectations of others. No more mulling over things and judging. Instead, I need to be in a state of allowing. But most importantly, I am to live life with this feeling of aliveness. If I keep returning to this feeling and live it, then I am radiating unconditional love. Everything else is irrelevant. Nothing else is necessary.
I am surprised by these responses to her questions. I am used to having all my clients’ questions answered, but I can see that asking the questions will pull her out of her feeling of aliveness, and back into thinking. I ask what we are to do with all her questions.
They [Blanca’s guides] chuckle. Now is not the right time for questions. They don’t want me back in my head. The most important thing for me right now is this feeling, this feeling of being connected and alive. All that other stuff is a distraction and I don’t need to bother with it. It takes me out of really being in life and experiencing life.
I am being told to trust that the information will come when I need it. I always needed to know stuff and I would go searching for it. I collected information like a hoarder in case I needed it same day. I fill my head up with stuff I don’t need. I don’t need it until I need it and when I do need it, it will be there. It is about being present and not going off in my head thinking or worrying. It is as simple as that and as difficult as that.
Blanca spent another hour staying quietly connected to this powerful feeling that she described as ‘aliveness’. In some traditions, such as Buddhism, this might be described as ‘not doing’. Her fifteen questions remained unanswered, although she was confident that she would receive answers at an appropriate time. Her purpose and her life lessons, however, were very clear. She knew exactly what she was to do. She was to connect to this sense of aliveness as often as possible.

Jorge had been spiritually minded for the last twenty years. He was a gentle man and deeply distressed. In the last six months, he had been on an emotional roller coaster ride. He’d left an unhappy marriage of thirty years after finding the love of his life. With his beloved, he soared with feelings of joy and fulfilment. Then, when she went back to her abusive husband, he plummeted into despair and depression.
He’d thought he was destined to rescue his new love, Ayalga, from her unhappy marriage. Now that she was gone, he felt there was no purpose to his life. He was in his late fifties, well-off, and finished with his architectural career. Not long before he met Ayalga, he had taken up natural medicine. Until recently, he had loved it, but now it gave him no joy. Wherever he looked, he saw only emptiness. For the first time in his life, he found himself seriously considering suicide.
Jorge had spent his life always doing what he thought was right. He was kind and thoughtful. Even the woman he left, his ex-wife, remained a friend. He couldn’t understand why he now had to suffer so deeply.
He had felt so close to Ayalga, Jorge thought they must share a soul connection. He deeply felt they were meant to be together. He wanted to know why the relationship hadn’t worked out, and what he could do about it. He wondered if he had done something dreadful in a previous life. Could his present suffering be karmic punishment?
Jorge did a past life regression and a life between lives regression. That meant we had the experience of two past lives and his present life to draw upon when making sense of his recent experiences. Both Ayalga and her husband made an appearance in both of those past lives.
In the first past life, they form a different relationship triangle. Jorge’s soul had incarnated as a young woman named Delina. Ayalga was Delina’s mother, and Ayalga’s present-day husband was Delina’s stepfather.
I am wearing a dress that goes down to my ankles and clogs that are made out of wood. My hair is long and brown. I am happily shopping for bread in a village. It seems I routinely do the shopping as I am an only child. I am fifteen years old. The streets are cobblestone and the day is cool and cloudy. We live nearby. I am getting the feeling that something is going to happen. I don’t like it. It is something disturbing.
I reassure Delina and suggest she be brave. She continues.
Someone grabs me. I have been dragged into a building, into a small room with stone walls. He rapes me. It is my stepfather.
He leaves and I go home. I have never liked him but I don’t say anything. Why don’t I say anything? [Delina cries deeply.] Because my mother loves him!
We progress to another scene in Jorge’s life as Delina.
It is nighttime. I am inside a cottage with a fire burning. I am thirty years old, living with my husband and our baby. Although I am contented I feel no passion for my husband. The rape has affected me. We argue. He wants sex and closeness and I don’t. He is a good provider and he is caring. Still, I never told him about the rape. I never told anyone.
We move on to another scenario.
Now I am thirty-five and my mother is dying. I go to her. My stepfather is already dead. I decide to tell her about the rape. She doesn’t believe me. She only thinks well of my stepfather, even though he was a hard man. I wonder why I bothered telling her. It didn’t make any difference. I feel resigned.
Delina dies alone at age sixty. She feels only a sense of relief as she passes over.
Jorge’s guide tells him that his life as Delina was designed to learn about love. As Delina he was given the opportunity to express love unconditionally.
I didn’t learn the lesson properly so I have to repeat [the experience]. I am still struggling with unconditional love in my current life. Delina had resentment towards the man who raped her. Her inability to put it aside for her husband was not love. Neither was the lack of forgiveness for her mother for not believing her.
My guide is telling me that to love unconditionally, I need to practice acceptance.
Jorge faces the same challenge in the next regression he undertakes a few weeks later. this is his visit to his life between lives. Before reaching this realm, we regress to another past life. Most often this is one’s immediate past life. This was the case for Jorge, whose past life occurred in the 1930s. He was called Nardo and he lived in a southwestern state of the USA.
Ayalga is my daughter. She is kneeling in front of me, crying. I have hit her. She is sixteen and she has been out with this boyfriend who I dislike. He is no good for her. He makes her unhappy because he is full of jealousy and anger.
It soon becomes apparent that this boyfriend is the same soul as Ayalga’s husband in her current life.
Her mother has died many years ago and I brought her up alone. She and I are very close. There are no other children. I don’t mind if she has boyfriends as long as they treat her well. She is pretty upset with me. She is heartbroken. She wants to be with this boyfriend and I won’t let her.
We progress to another scene.
It is night and I am dying. I am in hospital after having had a heart attack. My daughter is beside me. She is in her early thirties and I am nearly sixty.
We are still close and she is visibly upset. She has been devoted to me. She is going to lose the only significant person in her life. She never married. She wasn’t interested in the other boyfriends who came along because she was set on the first one. She gave him up because I demanded it.
I tell her I love her and I know she loves me. It is important that she has the chance to say goodbye. I seem to be at peace with dying.
Jorge is quiet for a few minutes before I ask him what is happening.
It’s quite bizarre. I’m finding it difficult to move on.
I spend about ten minutes helping him release his attachment to his daughter. I explain that hanging on doesn’t help his daughter, who now needs to pursue her own life. He eventually lets go.
We move onto his life between lives. After being encased by a loving light that removes any leftover emotions, his guide appears. I ask about the purpose of his life as Nardo.
It is a bit of a rest point, nothing too challenging. For some reason, there was loneliness but also companionship. I was learning about having a love relationship in a non-sexual way. Mostly I succeeded. I probably shouldn’t have interfered with my daughter’s relationship with her boyfriend. Even though we parents might think we know what is best, we need to give our children the freedom to choose. That love was not quite unconditional.
Jorge’s guide suggests we go to a place that Jorge describes as a meeting place, like a coffee shop. He recognises the other people there. It appears they will be involved in his current life as Jorge.
We are in a coffee shop discussing the things we want to work on in our coming lives. It is all very broad at the moment. My eldest brother figures prominently in our plans with the group. He is going to help us resolve some karmic issues. He will take on the role of antagonist. We formulate our own rough plan, but it has to be approved by the Lords of Karma.
At the beginning of out session, Jorge had described his eldest brother as the creator of copious grief for the family over the last twenty years. Apparently this brother tried to steal his mother’s money and cost the family millions of dollars. None of the siblings speak to this brother.
It takes a hell of a lot of work to organise a lifetime. I cannot comprehend it. It is too complex.
Ayalga appearing in this life is only an option. I interfered with her plans in the past life and that needs to be adjusted in this coming life. It is tricky to get us to meet. We move in different age groups and circles. We decide to put it in the plan but we are not sure it will happen. Decisions will have to be made and free will, of course, can alter things.
I now explore the questions that Jorge had composed for the life between lives session. These are all about his current life and his brief, intense relationship with Ayalga.
I am experiencing what I forced Ayalga to experience when I was her father. She had to shut down to the person she wanted to be with and now I have to shut down to being with her. There is some karmic thing between Ayalga and her husband. They have to work it out and it is important that they keep going until they do. They might get it sorted this lifetime. It is not that she doesn’t want to be with me or that she doesn’t love me; it is just that she has these other priorities. Being friends with me now is not possible. Her husband is the jealous type and staying friends would distract her. I succeeded in my role in her life by showing her what a loving relationship is like. That will help her with her purpose.
Jorge was satisfied with the information he had received but he still had one major problem. How does he find fulfilment now Ayalga is gone from his life?
There is room to express unconditional love to some family members and I can focus on serving others. I can rest and enjoy life instead of it being so hard. Another relationship is possible. Even though I am scared, I could open up again. There are some areas where I could do further training. For example, there is a new natural therapy that interests me.
Jorge did not receive what he had been hoping for in the sessions. He desperately wanted to be with Ayalga. He felt his life was empty without her. And he was seriously considering suicide if he could not be with her. If he knew, right at the beginning, that he would not get the assurances he craved, he might have baulked at undertaking the regression.
So he was surprised when he finally discovered that he and Ayalga were not meant to be together. Sure, he felt disappointed and sad, but he was no longer depressed and he was no longer suicidal.
The many hours Jorge and I spent together were not therapy. We did not try to solve Jorge’s problems by talking about them. Instead, he actually relived the experiences that had led to his current situation. This time, as he explored his past lives, he saw them from a larger perspective. With this broad knowledge of his lives and his purpose, he could make sense of his current life and the deep grief he’d been suffering.
He understood why he’d felt such a strong bond with Ayalga. In one life he was her daughter; in the other she was his daughter.
He also discovered, in the first session, his major life purpose. His purpose was to learn to love unconditionally. He didn’t manage to achieve this in his second past life but he was pleased to see that he had another chance in his current life.
Jorge now knew exactly why his life and his relationships had followed a particular course. He also knew that he had to let Ayalga go.
Four years later I caught up with Jorge. He hadn’t seen Ayalga for years and was still friends with his ex-wife. He now had a successful healing business, using massage and other modalities. The testimonials on his website were glowing. No doubt he possessed a caring energy and a gift for healing. He was content with his life and found great satisfaction in helping people.

Amelia came to her life between lives session hoping to experience her soul’s wisdom and gain a better understanding of her life’s purpose.
Amelia experienced a past-life in Northern Europe over a hundred years ago. She married the man she loved and had four children. Her life was much like the life of her mother and her grandmother before her. She baked, cooked, looked after the house, and cared for her carpenter husband and their children.
At the end of her life, her children and grandchildren are by her side. Her husband has already passed and she is looking forward to seeing him again. Her body is tired and her spirit is ready to go. She knows her family will be fine. She has cared for them lovingly and although they are sad to see her leave, she knows they will be sustained by the love she has bestowed on them.
She moves upwards and is met by her guides, one a male and one a female. She feels the different energies they emanate. The male has a strong, protective energy, while the female is softer and more caring. This combination restores her, and she feels a sense of wholeness, bliss and peace.
I feel like I am floating through an energy that is soft and velvet. It is strange because I have no body but I sort of feel like I do. I have the softest feathers all around me. Down, it is like goose down, caressing me, floating all around me while I am moving through it.
Amelia arrives in a garden. She explains that this is not a garden like those on Earth. There is no sun and yet there is light everywhere. All the trees, plants and flowers glow with a special light and there are more colors than she has ever seen before.
Amelia’s guides sit with her in the garden while she reviews her past life. She discovers it was a rest life after a series of more challenging lives. The energies she took with her to Earth were mostly positive and they helped her achieve her purpose, which was all about love. She did well, as looking after and loving her family was a major part of her purpose for that past life.
Amelia wants to know about her current life’s purpose. Her guides communicate to her through thoughts, telling her to be patient, as all will be revealed soon. First, they want to take her on a journey through the spirit world. This is also something that Amelia hoped to experience.
They fly off with her, and she arrives at the top of a high cliff with the ocean far below. Suddenly she sees colored energetic lights moving towards her. The lights are oval in shape and each one is a mix of different colors, like rainbows, but each one is unique in its combination of colors. As they come closer, she realises they are beings, or souls she has known for a long time. They surround her in a circle, drawing her into their beautiful light. It is her soul group and they are welcoming her back. She feels their loving light penetrating her in an exquisitely pleasant way.
Next, her guides take her to the library. Amelia can tell it is a library because it is filled with shelves of books. As she watches, the books start shimmering like holographs. It seems that they are alive. She receives the message that knowledge is energy and energy is knowledge, but not a solid, unchanging knowledge. The message is clearly given to her that knowledge has to be lived, not just accumulated and stored. She sees how the energies join, like a network of spider’s webs, millions of them, all connected. They are all shimmering with energy.
She reaches out to touch one and a memory comes alive in her mind, and she sees the connection of this memory with other experiences she has had. She struggles to explain how profound this is for her, seeing the connections and the experiences resonating within her and influencing her future decisions. She can see how real wisdom comes from within, once one has reflected on many experiences and created the connections. She knows the information she needs at any time is available and can be accessed if she opens up to receive it.
She receives the message that trust is part of her purpose. She is to trust that any information that she needs will come. The time of studying is past. She needs to learn to trust her intuition.
Her guides now take her back to the cliff top. She recognizes people from her current life, including her mother, her brother and some friends. She is told to look deeply into each one, one after another. As she looks closely at each individual, she automatically receives information about his or her strengths and weaknesses. She also understands how she can best interact with each of them to assist them on their soul journey. Amelia realises that these interactions are mutually beneficial—working with members of her soul family will aid her progress as she advances from life to life.
Now she is taken to a beautiful building of high columns and marble. She feels waves of energy flowing through her as she enters. It is like the power of this place is resonating out to all who come within its vicinity. The feeling is one of positive power, and the waves of energy are blends of blue and red, interacting together to form different hues of lilac and purple.
She realises she is to meet her Council of Elders. There are seven beings of light in front of her. The one in the middle is the spokesperson.
She energetically receives the message that she has done well. It comes to her as a feeling of loving energy that flows into her heart. It is so strong and beautiful that tears run down her cheeks.
She is told she is part of an important mission to help the energies change on the planet. She does this by blending together the Earth energies and the higher energies when she is in physical form.
She learns she has had many lifetimes. In some she was the perpetrator of violence, and others she was the victim. Many of her lives were very dark and she chose this path to progress quickly, so she could help the Earth changes. Her experience helps her energetically relate to others. She holds the positive energy for people who are struggling with the darkness inherent in the Earth system. By holding the positive energy she helps them lift their vibration to a point where sometimes they can feel lighter and loved.
The Council members tell her how much they value and support her work. Her purpose is to love people unconditionally. Some people love their false selves, and Amelia is told to accept them as they are. She realises these people are at a stage of development where this is the best they can do. Loving one’s false self is better than not loving oneself at all.
The Council encourages her to continue her good work, and suggests she move onto another place of interest.
Amelia’s guides take her to a place where other souls are working with energy. These spiritual beings are part of her work group and they are sending out streams of positive energies, like thought energy, to the humans and animals on Earth. This helps to raise the vibration of all beings on the planet and of the Earth itself. She understands that this is the work she does when she is in spirit. It is very similar to the work she is now doing while she is incarnated. This energy work is her specialisation, and her journey through all her many lives on Earth have brought her to this point where she is powerful enough to help others.
Amelia feels very satisfied with her journey through her life between lives and with the information she received about her purpose. She thanks her guides for their loving support and renews her determination to continue on her path and fulfill her purpose to benefit the Earth and all its inhabitants.

Daniela, aged in her late thirties, knows what she wants from her session: ‘To fit together the experiences I am having.’ She hopes to understand the trust issues that have affected her relationships.
She experiences a past life as a female, named Alina, who lives in a community in a forest. Her skin is fair and her hair light brown. She wears pointed black leather shoes with a silver buckle. She notes that her shoes are dusty. The green dress she wears has puffed sleeves with a skirt that falls to the ground.
She sees people working in the forest clearing where they live. The men have beards and are chopping wood while the women are cooking. The huts are made from straw and sticks. It is Scandinavia, a long time ago.
We all work hard to survive. My parents live there and I am alone. I am having fun and I like helping the family. I am happy.
We move to another scene in Daniela’s life as Alina.
I am outside and it is night. I am not feeling good. There are some mean people around. Very mean. They are trying to break up the whole community. They don’t like us because we love nature. They don’t understand us. We are peaceful people who love life. They don’t like that. They are afraid.
They hit me. I beg them to stop. But they don’t stop. They’re hurting us... They are killing us and throwing us into graves.
Alina leaves her body and drifts upwards.
I can see the blue sky. Something is sparkling. I see sparkles everywhere. The sparkles are souls. They are around me now and I am moving upwards.
Now I see a shadow. It changes form. It is playing games with me. It is my guide making me feel comfortable.
I am not sure where I am now. I am resting.
We pause for a while as Daniela recovers from this life. Her guide gives her information about her life as Alina.
The men who came and killed us were naïve people. I am being told there is darkness as well as light. There are dark places and dark people. Lessons can be learnt from interacting with dark people.
These people who killed us will be shown their own lessons in time. That experience of killing will help them. They will have dark times in their lives and will learn compassion and understanding through these experiences.
They are cruel people. One is my grandfather in my current life. I am helping my grandfather.
I chose this life as Alina and I knew what would happen. I was okay with that. It was a useful life. I learned a lot. I learned that we are one with nature. We are one with all living things, good and bad. Even the cruel people, we are one with them too. I also learnt the benefits of being together in a community and learning to appreciate each other.
This life was a positive experience in spite of the violent end. My guide said I stood by what I believed in and never gave up. He is pleased and I feel peaceful.
Daniela is given more information about her life’s purpose later from the Council of Elders.
The lives of Daniela and Alina are similar. My purpose, then and now, is to speak my truth. I am not to sacrifice what I know the truth to be by giving in and remaining silent against powerful people.
As Daniela, I have been the kind of person who wants to help by changing people. I cannot force change upon others. My purpose is to let them be and speak my own truth. Other people will watch and learn. If some don’t like it, they are not ready.
My mother has a lot to learn. I am here to help her this lifetime. I need to say to her ‘life is beautiful’ and she will learn through my example of loving life.
I am to keep living my truth. When I feel connected to everything, animals and peoples, that is my truth. If I quieten my mind, I can connect. And I can do that all the time. It is about being loving and accepting but being honest as well.
My anxiety has come from the burden of disbelief. It will go if I just trust in life. The ego gives me false messages. A false message is dark, negative self-doubt. Let fears go.
I have no past issues to be concerned about. I am to just follow these instructions.
All the dark people play a role, not good or bad, it just is. Some people learn their lessons through pain. I don’t need to have pain anymore if I just trust what happens and flow along with life freely.
If I think of the word release, I can access the feeling of peace and tranquility.
I am being told: ‘You are to feel loved because you are loved.’
After the session, Daniela said, ‘It was incredible...such a release. I felt it inside, outside, all around. It was truly an experience and more than I expected.’
Daniela’s purpose reminded me of another case where the client was told that her purpose was to speak her truth. She was also encouraged to live her truth. The Council told her it is about saying yes when everyone else is saying no.
When I hear these words I see, in my mind’s eye, a poster I have encountered with one fish, a little different to the others, swimming in the opposite direction.
This message, of speaking and living our truth in the face of opposition from others, is one that is frequently given to people in their life between lives. Of course, before we can live our truth we have to know what that is. As Daniela’s Council mentioned, the ego and our fears can hijack us and throw us off-track.

From the cases outlined here, it seems we plan our lives and set goals that we hope to achieve. Although this is generally true of the people who come to visit their life between lives, it does not mean everyone on the planet plans their life.
I have heard some spiritual gurus suggest that souls are all different and at different stages of awareness. Some souls might plan their next incarnation in detail, some might do no planning at all, and others lie somewhere in between these two extremes. The analogy of high school graduates illustrates the point. Some graduates know what they want to do from a young age and plan the steps needed to fulfil their goals. Some plan loosely. Others do no planning at all and wait for opportunities to arise.
However it works, many people sense they do have a purpose, especially people who decide to undertake a spiritual regression. And I have noticed that people with no sense of purpose usually feel lost.
People who visit their life between lives find the experience greatly rewarding. One major satisfaction is gaining clarification on the nature of their life’s purpose.

Entrevista a Karen Joy, en 2016 con motivo de la presentación del libro que nos ocupa

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